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6880 UT018 Mounting Bracket for Wind, Snow or IRGA Sensor
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration No
Free Support No


The 6880 attaches an intermediate wind speed/direction, snow depth, or IRGA sensor to an instrumentation tower or tripod. The 6880 terminates in a 3/4-inch diameter horizontally oriented pipe. Depending on the sensor to be attached, the 6880 requires either the 1017 or 1049 Nu-Rail Slip-on Offset Crossover Fitting. A UT018 or UT018-5 crossarm connects the 6880 to a leg of one of our towers.



Diameter 2.5 cm (1.0 in.)
Length 29.0 cm (11.4 in.)
Weight 272 g (10 oz)


A UT018 or UT018-5 Crossarm connects the 6880 to a leg of one of our towers.