Controlling the water level of the Neuquen, Limay, and Negro rivers of Argentina is a challenge. They provide water for the country's main fruit growing regions and serve as a major transport medium for the country's products. A network of 80 Campbell Scientific weather stations provide a hydrometeorological system to monitor the rivers and assist in maintaining water levels. The network covers a 100,000 sq/km area and monitors a variety of parameters including water level, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, and temperature.

Case Study Summary


Monitoring and Control supports management water from the Neuquen, Limay, and Negro Rivers to Argentina's pomological regions.


West central Argentina

Products Used

CR10  CS106  CS105  Q7.1-L  CS700-L  014A-L  024A-L 


Daniel Garcia Neder Electronica Naval, S.A.

Participating Organizations

Autoridad Interjurisdiccional de las Cuencas de los Rios Limay, Negro y Neuquen (AIC)

Measured Parameters

Water level, wind speed/direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature/RH, net radiation

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