The Portable OBS- 3+ Measurement System from Campbell Scientific Australia allows a user to collect quality Turbidity data from up to 2 OBS sensors. This data is stamped with both Date and Time along with GPS coordinates of where the measurement was taken. The system can measure up to two OBS-3+ sensors (connected via the SEACON connectors on the enclosure) and store data at a rate of up to 1 Hz. 

A Keypad display is provided with the OBS-3+ measurement system to allow a user to view data while it is being sampled. The keypad is connected via an IP67 rated connector to the enclosure.

Hardwareportable gps enable obs system

The Portable OBS-3+ Measurement System utilises the following components: 

CR800 Measurement and Control Data Logger 

  • For Measurement of the OBS-3+, and GPS sensors and the flow control / storage of Data 

Internal Garmin GPS 

  • For real-time system location and clock updates 
  • Can ‘receive’ location information through the enclosure if mounted flat. 

Internal 7Ahr SLA Battery 

  • Providing up to 24 hours of continuous operation before charging is required 
  • It is important to turn the system off when not in use: 
  • This is done by removing the green power plug from the CR800 data logger inside the enclosure. 

Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger

  • 240V Sealed Lead Acid Charger provided for ‘ recharging’ system. 

OBS-3+ Sensors 

  • This system provides capacity to handle 2 x OBS-3+ sensors. 
  • Each OBS sensor has a high and low Turbidity channel. 
  • 0-250 NTU and 0 – 1000 NTU (a range of options are available)