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Iridium satellite modem

MCTT Aug 12, 2011 02:54 AM

Hi All,

I bought a 9522B Iridium statellite modem,

This is the first time I have worked with it.

I have seen 9522B user manual, I think that we can connect between the datalogger(exmaple CR800) and PC through a 9522B irridium modem and IP static or email(SBD).

Please support me to start this equipment.

Nguyen Van Hung

aps Aug 12, 2011 01:46 PM

If you want to send SBD messages send me your email address and I will send some examples to get you going.

If you want to work via an IP link, you need to speak to your Iridium supplier to get the phone number and access to Iridiums dial-up internet access enabled on your account.

Once you have this you can establish a PPP connection via the PPP option you see in the settings screens of the datalogger. Once online you can send emails (get the mail server and account details from your Iridium provider) or send files by ftp, using ftpsend.

Be careful though as this can be expensive as you are charged for the connection time (not per byte or message) and it can take a while to get online and send quantities of data. It does work though - we tested it on our office a few days ago.

MCTT Aug 13, 2011 01:36 AM

Hi Standford,

Thanks for your support.

If you have any documents, please send it to me through mail: mcttvietnam@gmail.com

I will continue reseach a few methods as your guide.

Best Regards,
Nguyen Van Hung

JackR Jan 8, 2014 02:26 AM

We are having issues getting a PPP connection with an Iridium 9522B. Have the dial up number to get the Iridium connection, get connection to the Iridium PPP service but no connection from there. We are using CR800 connected through interface to RS232 on Iridium with a null modem cable but no joy. Baud rate set to 19200.

Any ideas ?

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