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product pages returning error

TracyAU Aug 9, 2011 11:55 PM


Trying to work on a new product listing for the hydrosense 2.
The URL returns a page not found error with a list of elements, ordering info, support info. All links return errors. I notice the URL displays http://au.campbellsci.com/404?e=/soil-moisture-hs2.
Not sure what the 404?e implies.

I also get a popup box - rawr.

The friendly URL is soil-moisture-hs2

Ok - leave it with you.


Admin Aug 10, 2011 12:12 AM


This is related to Raina's post earlier. New (or modified) URLs, for the moment, don't redirect correctly. We're waiting for IT to do a couple of things that will allow these new friendly URLs to work. Hopefully we'll have this tomorrow.


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