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URLs and Page Not Found

RainaCA Aug 9, 2011 07:15 PM


I seem to be getting plenty of "Page Not Found" errors.

It seems to happen when I change the Friendly URL, should I leave the friendly URLs as they are?

Sometimes when I duplicate a page and then change the details including the Friendly URL, it gives me the Page Not Found Error when I try to view it. For example, I created a CR1000 Accessories page from the CR1000 Series page. I re-named the URL cr1000-accessories. The section shows up on CR1000 Series page, but when I click the link, it doesn't work.

The CC5MPX link doesn't work either. The record is there but I can't view the product page.

Help us please!


TRey Aug 9, 2011 08:40 PM

Hi Raina,

We're working on this one as we speak. As soon as we are able to put the files used in creating the friendly URLs on the correct server. You'll be able to go to all of the new and changed pages without landing on the "Page Not Found".

This should be working by end of today or early tomorrow depending on the work load IT is currently experiencing.

Sorry for the delays,

RainaCA Aug 10, 2011 04:52 PM

No problem, you guys are doing such a great job. We just bombard you with questions all day and you do a wonderful job of explaining!

Thanks, I just wasn't sure if it was something I was doing that I shouldn't be...

So is it possible to have two pages with the same friendly URL? Are the pages uniquely identified by the ID number instead?



Admin Aug 10, 2011 05:08 PM


Thanks for your response. Sorry for the delays. We know we have lots of gaps to fill.

Pages do have unique ids, but the friendly urls serve as unique pointers to single addresses, so they do need to be unique. This also is important for search engine optimization.

We spoke to IT this morning and it sounds like the url issue will be resolved a little later today. We'll let you know as soon as it's there.


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