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Changes to some pages (Tracey might be able to help!)

RainaCA Aug 9, 2011 07:06 PM

Hello everyone,

I just can't figure out how to make changes to certain pages. I don't know where the information lives and how it links in.

Training: I can figure out how to edit the top bit of text and add a new event/course, however, I cannot figure out how to actually list the event/course lower down on the Training page where CSI has listed all of their courses.

Support Ph/ #: I do not know how to change the phone numbers that get listed in the Support tab on all of the product pages.

Ordering & Support: I can't seem to edit anything on the Support tab or Ordering tab of the product pages.

Any explanation or help is much appreciated!


Admin Aug 9, 2011 08:29 PM


The Training component is one that needs to be upgraded. The text at the top will likely be turned into a simple Text Block component.

As you already found out, adding training courses to the list consists of adding new Events. Make sure when you add a training course to the Events table that the Type field is "2" (1 is for shows). Make sure Display is checked. Only course that have a Start Date after the current date will display in the list. If you do all this, the course should show in the list. Let us know how it goes.

Phone numbers on the support page aren't changeable yet. We'll let you know when you fix that.

The Support tab is built almost entirely off of relations to the product you are on. These consist of Document, Downloads, FAQs, and soon Tutorials. To edit these you would go to the Products table, find your product and look for the corresponding relations field. We need to get the on-page editing working still.

The Ordering tab is currently populated with data from our ERP. I'm thinking that until we can get dumps from your ERPs, we may have to code a more basic component for affiliate sites. Can you tell me what data you would like to display on the Ordering tab? It would be good to know this info for all the other sites as well.


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