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Feedback/Ask an Expert forms

RainaCA Aug 9, 2011 04:34 PM

Hello guys,

Where do the Feedback and Ask an Expert forms go when someone fills one out? I noticed "Country" is in the drop-down box, so people have to select a country. Will the feedback be going to local offices? If so, which email address?

I'm also wondering how edit the information on the Feedback page. There is an email at the bottom for campbellsci.com and we'd like for it to go to our own email address.


Admin Aug 9, 2011 05:24 PM

Currently, the feedback forms go to us. If all agree, we'll modify that so that it goes to the main email address associated with the site the user is on.

Ask an Expert emails are currently automatically directed to the main email address of the site that corresponds to the country the user selected. This will stay the same, unless the group wants otherwise.

The text at the bottom of the form that includes "campbellsci.com" will be converted to a label--so you can make it say whatever you want.

Let me know if you any of this isn't clear.

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