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Amount of rain

Mavada Aug 7, 2011 09:04 PM


How do i get the amount of mm of rain at the moment rain is falling, now ive got:

'24 hour running total calculation Tot24
If IfTime(24,1440,Min) Then Tot24=0

So now, when it has rained, the amount of rain is displayed the whole day while it hasnt been rainig for hours...

aps Aug 8, 2011 09:03 AM

The Rain_mm variable could be monitored to show the current rainfall, however because it is probably monitoring a tipping bucket gauge the reading will only be transient (time depending on your scan rate).

If the scan rate is less than one minute it is not uncommon to also run a one minute total of rainfall to give an estimate of rainfall intensity (scaled to mm/hr).

Below is what you could add to your program if the scan rate is less than one minute.

'One minute intensity
If IfTime(0,1,Min) Then Tot1min=0

Of course if there is light rain which only causes the occasional tip the rain will only be apparent for one minute after the tip.

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