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Museum & Conversions page

RainaCA Aug 5, 2011 07:18 PM

Hello Tanner and Lex,

As discussed with Lex, our current website has a Museum section where we've catalogued all of the antique measurement devices we have on display. We also have a section where we provide measurement conversions. This section is one of our most visited, so we'd like to keep it.

We would like to add links to these sections to our Homepage. My question to you is, is there an easy way to transfer this information over?

My guess for the Museum is that we'll need to create product records in the database for each product, then museum product categories. Perhaps we can create an Excel spreadsheet that can transfer over the info? Similar to the unique products spreadsheets? Here's our museum for you to look at http://www.campbellsci.ca/Museum_Cat.html (Pretty dated, I know!)

As for conversions, I don't know how this can be integrated into the new website. We don't really have any expert web developers here so I think we'll need some help. Here's our conversions page http://www.campbellsci.ca/Conversions.html


TRey Aug 5, 2011 08:47 PM

Hi Raina,

There is an easy way and you're correct on the way to do it. Giving us an excel spreadsheet will allow us to import your museum history into the database. Creating that would be the place to start. If you have any questions on how best to structure the spreadsheet let us know.

For your conversion pages we can pull off the javascript and put it into a component that you can link into pages you've created. That will allow it to function in the exact same way. It may be helpful to send us the files to make this easier for us to do.


RainaCA Aug 5, 2011 10:59 PM

Hi Tanner,

Thanks again for the reply.

As the conversion pages are some of our most visited, we've tried to include little advertisements on these pages. Is it possible to create a little product advertising component that we could add to these pages?


TRey Aug 5, 2011 11:29 PM

Hi Raina,

Text blocks are designed for content that doesn't have a great enough pattern or common use to justify its own component. As you can link in the Text Block component on any page and associate whichever Text Block you want. This also allows you to use this text block multiple places without having to recreate it. And in the future when you need to make a modification. You only have to do it once to have it reflected everywhere you've used that particular Text Block.

Similarly, if we find out there is enough need and a strong enough pattern to create a new content type. We can design a specific components to cover that type of content with greater ability to control its design. Part of what we're doing right now is watching to see what kind of content isn't covered and may need a component created or what changes to a current component will benefit everyone (I have read your restricted text post!).

And after we've established a pattern that we can then repeat and code for. We'll be able to create a much better component that can be used by everyone.

How many different ads do you generally run or want to run on your site?

* Last updated by: TRey on 8/5/2011 @ 5:30 PM *

RainaCA Aug 8, 2011 11:01 PM

Hi Tanner,

There are not many ads. I think it's one ad per conversion page. It was before my time here, but I think we decided to run the ads because these pages were getting a ton of unique hits. We would either like to continue running product ads or general Campbell Scientific ads on these pages.

We also run a flash ad on our homepage. Currently, the ad is for the CC5MPX Camera.


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