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RainaCA Aug 5, 2011 05:14 PM

Hi everyone,

This may seem like a silly question, but I have no idea so I need to ask.

I'm trying to add products to Categories but I'm having some problems. For example, I'm trying to add DSC204 (which might be unique to Canada) to the Category "Other Enclosure Accessories".
Currently, the category is only showing two products, but they have the numbers 8 and 9 beside them. Why isn't it 1 and 2? How do we know what numbers to put in there?

It doesn't matter what number I put beside DSC204, it will not show up on the category page.

Any ideas??


TRey Aug 5, 2011 05:37 PM

Hi Raina,

When I looked the DSC204 was not set to display. Categories/Products/Case Studies/etc will not show up anywhere on the site until their display is checked. Also if you don't want people to be able to view it, you can use the level to restrict a product from people who do not have that high of an access. The default user is level 6. Any value less than that would result in someone having to be logged in to see it. Our user levels start at 0 and go down to 6. With 0 having the most power in the system.

The actual value in the order does not matter. You can give it an incredibly high value or low value. So long as it is greater/less than other items in the list you would like to come before/after. As to why they're 8 and 9 instead of 1 and 2, you'd have to ask the person that linked them.


RainaCA Aug 5, 2011 07:22 PM

Ah yes, I see, thank you.

Perhaps there is a legend somewhere that identifies the user levels?


TRey Aug 5, 2011 08:06 PM

That, along with the category types and a few other fields, is something we're trying to work out to make easier to decide what value to select. Without the need to reference a legend. At the moment the user levels are as follows:

0 - Admin
1 - Marketing/Power User
2/3 - Affiliate/Inhouse
4 - OEM
5 - Customer
6 - Default user with no account

Currently, only the US site has a populated customer information table that gives appropriate pricing and access. Until customers have been allowed to create accounts and login using this. Your site will only need to be running off of level 0 or 6. Levels 1 to 5 have been used on versions of the US site and eCatalog for some time to allow access to different groups internally and externally.


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