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Unique Products

RainaCA Aug 4, 2011 10:32 PM

Hello Tanner,

A few weeks ago Lex asked us to provide an Excel spreadsheet that listed all of our unique products, along with the products' item codes, descriptions, key benefits, features, specs, etc.

These products do not appear to be in the CMS yet. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Are the Excel spreadsheets still going to be used to link in these products? Or will these products need to be added manually?


TRey Aug 4, 2011 10:59 PM

Hi Raina,

Can you check again to see if they are there now? The process that ran to import them seemed to have an error with yours. I've done it manually now but there may be one or two missing as a result of that error.

The error has something to do with length. I'm unable to open a .xlsx file to determine exactly which line it was or which, if any, are missing. If you could mail me a .xls file at treynolds@campbellsci.com I could tell you which it is.


TracyAU Aug 8, 2011 04:45 AM

Hi there,

Seems our products aren't there yet either.
I've been very confused as to how to get in and get working.
When I didn't see the products listed I figured I had to manually input them.

Can you possibly please add our products to the list as well.



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