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Contact Page

TracyAU Aug 4, 2011 05:32 AM


Can't seem to find the text page to edit the contact page.
Also, I still think the contact link isn't clear enough. Could we possibly make it more accessible. I thought we talked about an alternative last meeting.

Personally I need a contact page that is about Australia.

I would like to have an easy conversion email / message at the top.

The fields (all required fields) I need there are:

Name -*
Send us a message - text block *
Email Address - *
Country - (defaulting on Australia)*
How did you hear about us? *

Dropdown list:

Google Search
Print Media
Brand Aware
Trade Show
One of our customers
One of our affiliates

Would you like to receive our quarterly newsletter?*

Radio box - yes / no

Additional Information (all non required fields).


We can add a link for Find Campbell Scientific Worldwide that links to the current contact page.

The code for the additional contact information is attached. We have a new ticketing system. This text includes info about using that as well as CSA's contact information.

TRey Aug 4, 2011 07:11 PM

Hi Tracy,

The menu is fully under your control. It is run by relations to the "Root"(ID of -1) category . At the moment, it is only pulling relations from the category correctly. But we will work out the modification to allow for a page to be linked and used correctly as well. You are fine to structure the menu and name the categories you like. Keeping in mind that there is a limited space there.

There is a component currently used on your site that we've kept and matches closer what you're looking for. However, we're working on global components and functionality and will not be able to make all of the modifications requested right away to your existing one. It is also worth waiting to see how many people are interested in a component like this with maybe slight alterations to it.

Preferably the majority of components we create can be used by any of the Campbell sites.


RainaCA Aug 9, 2011 01:44 PM

Hi everyone,

As discussed this morning, we like the idea of having two components on the contact page, first the location specific contact info and then a form. The form Tracy is currently using, along with her suggestions for new fields, sounds great.

It's very important that when customers are on our site and they click the "contact us" link, the Canada contact details are front and center. I think Tracy has expressed this as well. We prefer to add a link to this page "Find Campbell Scientific Worldwide" which links to the world map/office finder tool.

Hope that makes some sense,

CSLMM Aug 10, 2011 01:59 PM

I like the form idea and Tracy has the list of fields spot on.

I think easy and obvious links to other CS Group sites are essential on the contact page and suggest that they should be arranged regionally, for example:

North America
USA - campbellsci.com
Canada - campbellsci.ca

South America
Brazil - campbellsci.com.br
Centro Caribe – campbellsci.cc
Rest of South America see campbellsci.com/contact

CSSA – csafrica.co.za

UK – campbellsci.co.uk
France – campbellsci.fr
Germany – campbellsci.de
Spain – campbellsci.es
Rest of Europe (EU states campbellsci.eu, non EU states see campbellsci.com/contact)

Australia & Pacific Rim
CSA – Campbellsci.com.au

India – campbellsci.ca/contact
Rest of Asia see campbellsci.com/contact

The current CS site does not make it very clear for EU customers not in France Germany, Spain or the UK where they should go (without using the country selector.it is possible that, over time, we and other affiliates might add extra branch offices and CSI might add additional affiliates and this approach easily allows those to be slotted in.

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