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Linking to PDFs

RainaCA Aug 3, 2011 05:51 PM


Trying to update the company history and info in the "About" section. We would like to link to some PDF documents such as our own company profile and a couple press releases. Is there a way to load individual PDF documents to the database so we can create a link to them?

Or should we just link them to our old website ?(something tells me this is not right because we want the database to hold everything)


TRey Aug 3, 2011 07:05 PM

Hi Raina,

There is a table that we are refining and waiting for the ability to give all of you access to. This involves the FTP that will be setup which will allow you to save your file directly to your website and link to it there. Unfortunately I do not currently have the details of this area as this is something that Lex was working on with IT. I'll see if I can get the details.

I do know he was planning to get all of you setup for the document creation and management in the next meeting. My apologies that I don't have the information to get you into it right away.

RainaCA Aug 3, 2011 07:13 PM

That's ok, I understand that not everything is set up yet.


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