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CMS - Speed

TracyAU Aug 1, 2011 11:24 PM

Hi there Guys,

Is it just here in Australia but the login for the CMS is really slow as is any other request. I'm talking go have a coffee and a nap slow :)

Also, I can't seem to access anything to change.
All the links point to architecture elements.
Mostly the link buttons don't resolve anywhere - nothing changes.

Am I missing something fundamental here.


TRey Aug 1, 2011 11:52 PM

Hi Tracy,

As for the speed I'd like to hear from the other users to see if they are experiencing similar delays. Inside the building we have not experienced that long of a delay. Is this something you had when using the old version currently live on your site?

Are you using the "Load CMS" button at the bottom of the page to access your content or various other links that appear on the page when you hover over an area?

The links that appear when you are hovering over an area and are in the upper left are links to structure your page. Any content related links that appear will always be in the bottom right of an area. I believe Lex was planning to go into further detail on structuring a page and using the page content links in the next meeting where we could visually demonstrate this.

Using the "Load CMS" link in the admin bar at the bottom will give you easier access to manage all of your content in this starting up stage.

TracyAU Aug 2, 2011 12:04 AM

Hi there,

Speed- never had this problem with the old system. It's taking about 5 minutes to load the homepage and similar to load the log in page. Timing out now.

I'm using the Load CMS button.

Currently can't open anything - still trying to work out what time 17:00 GMT -7 here. Maybe it's down for maintenance.


TRey Aug 2, 2011 02:51 AM

Hi Tracy,

I've made some progress on the issue you were having. The servers were restarted at about 9:00 AM your time and are all currently up with the exception of issues accessing the AU site.

When we were upgrading your site previously to its current version we had set up a testing environment using the same address of au.campbellsci.com. When the switch was made this address was never removed and has been sitting on a server directing traffic. Due to this and another server now trying to direct off of that same address, your site was not loading and may be the reason behind your very slow loading times.

Ben has fixed this and said that the cache should clear soon. Hopefully this will result in a much better speed for you and allow you to see your site again. I'll keep checking on this as the night progresses.

Loading Content-
When you try to click in the CMS to load one of the content tables, does the URL change? Such as http://au.campbellsci.com/#cms,table,50. Or any click is simply doing nothing to change the URL? It sounds like it is the second that is occurring. Could you tell me which browser and version you are currently running so I can try to duplicate this.

In the mean time you can copy and paste #cms,table,50 at the end of your URL to load the products table. For example going from au.campbellsci.com/ to au.campbellsci.com/#cms,table,50. From there you'll be able to choose tables from the drop down list in the top left to navigate till I can resolve the other issue.


* Last updated by: TRey on 8/1/2011 @ 8:52 PM *

TracyAU Aug 2, 2011 05:43 AM

Hi Tanner,
It's loading now fast - thanks.

CSLMM Aug 2, 2011 07:54 AM

Hi speed is fine for us in the UK but whilst load cms and edit page seem to work we dont get the simpler text edit options when we hover over sections within the page (the sections dont highlight like I seem to recall they were when you showed us). Also from edit page/load cms I can't seem to find the text that shows on the screen to paste new content over.

As this is new to us its probably something I am doing or not doing and so plan to re-watch the meeting video and try to follow what you did on our website.

I will let you know.

CSLMM Aug 2, 2011 08:02 AM

update - just discovered why the sections didn't highlight - I didn't have 'show tools' checked - sorry!

CSLMM Aug 2, 2011 09:03 AM

Update 2

Some feature of the cms do not work with Firefox - for instance some links do not work (links to any of the tables from the load cms screen, for instance), the wysiwyg editor isn't there and the dynamic search feature on each table component doesn't work. Now switched to Chrome and all work ok.

TRey Aug 2, 2011 03:04 PM


Glad to hear we resolved the speed isssue.

I'll take a look into why Firefox is having such problems. Chrome and Firefox are the two browsers we have coded for thus far and should be used when interacting with the CMS. I am curious if either of you have upgraded to FireFox 5? I have held onto 3.6.10 until certain development tools have been updated to run on the latest version. With the result being that I have not tried the CMS in 5.

It sounds like going with Chrome may be best for now if you are experiencing similar navigation issues with FireFox.

CSLMM Aug 2, 2011 03:10 PM

I am on FF5 - Chrome certainly seems the way to go.

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