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CR10x and P15 help

PPeters Jul 26, 2011 11:11 PM

Just having some trouble with this instruction and was hoping for some assistance
I am trying to talk to a Microtol Turbidimeter that outputs RS-485, using an RS232-485 converter i can talk with hyperterm successfully but not with the CR10x

the sensor requires an initiation string :1 CRLF
and will reply with :001 0.0249 NTU

1: Bulk Load (P65)
1: 58 F ; Ascii :
2: 49 F ; Ascii 1
3: 13 F
4: 0 F
5: 0 F
6: 0.0 F
7: 0.0 F
8: 0.0 F
9: 1 Loc [ tx1 ]

2: Port Serial I/O (P15)
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 8-Bit, RS-232 ASCII, 1200 Baud
3: 1 Delay (0.01 sec units) before TX
4: 10 C1 TX/RX, No RTS/DTR (OS>1.14)
5: 1 Start Loc for TX [ tx1 ]
6: 3 Number of Locs to TX
7: 78 Termination Character for RX
8: 20 Max Characters to RX
9: 1000 Time Out for CTS (TX) and/or RX (0.01 sec units)
10: 10 Start Loc for RX [ rx1 ]
11: 1.0 Multiplier for RX
12: 0.0 Offset for RX

3: Extended Parameters (P63)
1: 58 Option ; Ascii :
2: 48 Option ; Ascii 0
3: 48 Option ; Ascii 0
4: 49 Option ; Ascii 1
5: 00 Option
6: 00 Option
7: 00 Option
8: 00 Option

I am seeing the Logger send the correct sequence :1
but the sensor is not replying
When I manually initiate the sensor the logger does not pick up the reply also

In the code above I am using C1 for the tx and C2 for the RX
both sensor and logger set to 1200,8,n,1

Any help much appreciated

Paul Peters

kirving Jul 27, 2011 12:36 AM

the sensor requires an initiation string :1 CRLF
and will reply with :001 0.0249 NTU

1: Bulk Load (P65)
1: 58 F ; Ascii :
2: 49 F ; Ascii 1
3: 13 F
4: 0 F
5: 0 F

According to this you're sending :1 CR, not :1 CRLF, in case that might be the problem. Parameter 4 should be 10 to send LF as well.

PPeters Jul 27, 2011 02:39 AM

Thanks for suggestion
I have tried the above as recommended but with same results
interesting when using hyperterminal a simple <enter> is all that is needed

kirving Jul 27, 2011 02:59 AM

CR alone (not CRLF) is more common for sending commands to systems, probably the default for hyperterm as well.

I can only suggest checking the usual suspects: baud rate, data and stop bits, parity, comm port identifier, etc.. I've done a little serial bit-banging with CR10X loggers, but am not intimately familiar with P15 or P65 et al.

If you get desperate you could monitor serial I/O from/to the logger using a 'data tap' (or jumper from source TX to hyperterm RX, plus the common), in order to see what's actually going across the line.

PPeters Jul 27, 2011 03:19 AM

Thanks Kirving
I was taping into the signal and the logger was sending the command :1 and then returning a new line feed but I could not get the sensor to respond
starting to suspect the rs232-485 converter might be more compatible to hyperterm than to the campbell but need some bench time to resolve


kirving Jul 27, 2011 03:54 AM

Haven't messed with rs485 much for a while, but an issue there might be how the transmitter is chosen, assuming a 2-wire shared connection. The 232-485 convertor might use a rs232 control pin for that, or maybe uses the TX signal itself. Hopefully not necessary, but maybe you could use a cr10x control port to enable tx when sending a command...

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