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CR1000 panel temperrature

Leel Jul 22, 2011 06:38 AM

Hi,I want to set the reading of panel temperature of CR100 as default temperature indicate in the absence of HMP60 ( giving wrong reading), on my PC screen. please help me .

Leel Jul 22, 2011 06:39 AM

I forgot to tell you my version of Loggernet is 3.2.2

Prabath Jul 22, 2011 06:08 PM

Whats wrong, please help someone

IslandMan Jul 23, 2011 09:55 AM

Something like this in your logger program:
If AirTemp < -40 OR AirTemp > 50 then AirTemp = PnlTemp

Define what you would consider a wrong reading in the HMP60.

Leel Jul 23, 2011 12:43 PM

HMP60 gives -20C but the correct temp should be +32C.


R1000 Series Datalogger

' Program Name : Piyadasa.CR1
' Date : February 13, 2006
' Author : Simon Leeds, CSA

'Declare Constants
Const BucketSize = 0.1 ' Tipping Bucket Rain gauge bucket size (mm per tip).


'Declare Public Variables

Public Air_Temp
Public RH
Public Baro_Press
Public Rain_Int
Public Wind_Speed
Public WindS_Kph
Public WindS_knots
Public Wind_Dir
Public Baro_Meas as Boolean
Public Flag(8) as Boolean

Units Air_Temp = degreesC
Units RH = %
Units Baro_Press = millibars
Units Wind_Speed = mpersec
Units Wind_Dir = degrees


'Declare Other Variables


'Define Data Tables
FieldNames ("Avg_WS:, Avg_WD:, StDev_WD:")

' Daily Storage.
FieldNames ("Avg_WS:, Avg_WD:, StDev_WD:")

' Event based rainfall storage.


'Define Subroutines



' HMP50 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
' Black - SE1 (Temperature)
' White - SE2 (RH)
' Blue - G (Signal and Power Reference)
' Brown - SW12V (Power)
' Clear - G (Shield)

' 03001 Wind Speed and Direction
' Wind Speed
' Black - P1
' White - G
' Clear - G
' Wind Direction
' Black - EX1
' Red - SE3
' White - G
' Clear - G

' CS105 Barometric Pressure Sensor
' Blue - SE4 (Pressure Signal)
' Yellow - AG (Signal Ground)
' Red - 12V (Power)
' Black - G (Power Ground)
' Green - C1 (Power Trigger)
' Clear - G (Shield)

' TE525 Rain gauge
' Wire 1 - P2
' Wire 2 - G

'Main Program


Scan (10,Sec,0,0)

'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Every 15 minutes, indicate we need to measure the CS105 (Barometric Pressure Sensor).
If IfTime(0,15,min) then
Baro_Meas = True
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Turn on the HMP50 (Air Temperature and Relative Humidity sensor).
SW12 (1)
' If the time is right, turn the Barometric Pressure sensor ON.
If Baro_Meas then
' Wait for the HMP50 and CS105 sensors to warm up (1 second).
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Measure the sensor outputs.
' Air Temperature.
VoltSe (Air_Temp,1,mV2500,1,1,0,250,0.1,-40)
' Relative Humidity.
VoltSe (RH,1,mV2500,2,1,0,250,0.1,0)
' Turn the HMP50 OFF.
' If it is time, measure the Barometric Pressure sensor and then turn it off.
If Baro_Meas then
VoltSe (Baro_Press,1,mV2500,4,3,0,250,0.184,600)
Baro_Meas = False
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Measure the wind speed and direction sensor.
' Wind Speed (03001 - convert to Hz to m/s by using multiplier = 0.75, Offset = 0.2)
PulseCount (Wind_Speed,1,1,1,1,0.75,0.2)
If Wind_Speed = 0.2 then Wind_Speed = 0
'Convert Wind Speed to kilometers per hour
'Convert Wind Speed to knots

' Wind Direction (Instruction output is Vs/Vf. USe multiplier of 355 to convert to degrees).
BrHalf (Wind_Dir,1,mV2500,3,Vx1,1,2500,True ,0,250,355,0)
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Count tips on the rain gauge.
PulseCount (Rain_Int,1,2,2,0,Bucketsize,0)
' Store event based rainfall data if we had a rain bucket tip.
If Rain_Int then
CallTable Rainfall
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Call Data Tables - 30 minutes.
CallTable Thirty
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Call Data Tables - 24 hours.
CallTable Daily
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Grant Jul 24, 2011 10:21 PM

Your program looks okay, no reason there for bad measurements from the temperature sensor.

A value of -20C indicates a voltage from the sensor of 200mV, if the temperature is 32C, you should have a measurement of just over 700mV.

Is it a new installation, or has it been in for some time?

Try checking the connections to ensure you have a clean and secure contact between the wires from the sensor and the connections on the logger.

Leel Jul 25, 2011 04:01 AM

Hi Grant, Its a new sensor though Cr1000 is about 5 years. how to measure the mV form sensor.(HMP60)?

Grant Jul 25, 2011 04:24 AM

First, check the wiring is correct as per the manual and/or your program, Black to SE1.

If this is okay, then disconnect the black wire and connect the bare end to the red lead of a multi meter. Connect the black lead of the multi meter to negative on the datalogger and you should be able to read the output of the probe in millivolts.

Another thought, how is your humidity measurement? Does that make sense or is it out also?

Leel Jul 25, 2011 06:49 AM

Our humidity sensor reading looks OK. Thanks for the advice.
Can you specify the black lead on multimeter should be connected to the ground wire of temp sensor?

Grant Jul 25, 2011 08:21 AM


Yes, black lead on multimeter to ground wire of temp sensor.

Jeeva Jul 26, 2011 10:37 PM

Hello Leel,
check the output of the sensor with the multimeter as grant suggested. but your sensor is wired in the SW12V port and it will be turned on only before every measurement and it will be too quick for you to capture in multimeter. change the power wire of the sensor to the 12V port and it will be continuously powered then you could read the mV reading from a multimeter.


Jeeva Prakasan
Environmine Data services

Leel Jul 27, 2011 06:07 AM

I checked with multimeter . These are the results

When connected to SW12 and blue wire to G close to SW12

Black and clear wire = 0.47-.90 v ( reading fluctuate in few seconds)

White and clear= 10V-0.170 ( reading fluctuate in few seconds)

When connected to 12V and blue wire G close to 12V, no quick fluctuations of readings unlike connected to SW12

Black and clear 6.054 V
White and clear 0.354V

Please help me to fix it.

Grant Jul 27, 2011 06:24 AM

As Jeeva stated, you needed to have power to the probe for the test.

With a voltage of 6V, my guess is your probe is no good.

Can you swap it with another and see what readings you get then?

aps Jul 27, 2011 08:46 AM

Just one check, you are measuring the signals relative to the clear wire? Is the clear wire connected to a ground terminal on the logger at the same time? The clear wire is a shield and is probably not connected to the electronics in the probe. The best reference point is the blue (ground) wire, where blue should be connected to a ground terminal.

If the 6V persists in either case, as a final check, carefully unscrew the cap on the top of the probe and check the temperature sensor is fitted and the wires are properly soldered to the socket. The temperature sensor is the small component - in recent units the sensor is bright blue in colour.

Leel Jul 27, 2011 09:13 AM

Hi Andrew,

When we measure the voltage, only power wire (brown) and Power and signal ref wire (blue) were connected other than White( when measuring Black and clear) or Black ( when measuring white and clear). In my last post I have mistakenly written Black& Clear as 6.054 V , but it should be white and clear and vice versa.

I tried to measure white and black wire( Multimeter red probe) with blue (for multimeter black probe) , no voltage was detected.

aps Jul 27, 2011 09:30 AM

You must have the blue wire of the sensor connected to the logger at the same time otherwise there is no path for current to flow to power the sensor. Please connect blue and brown to G and 12V respectively and measure the outputs of the black and white wires relative to a ground terminal on the logger (not the clear wire).

Also check the sensor element as suggested.

Leel Jul 27, 2011 11:16 AM

Thanks Andrew, Do you mean the ground terminal which is at the bottom of the logger ( running down the enclosure )?. When checking Black or white wires , other wires should not be removed ?

aps Jul 27, 2011 11:19 AM

For the purposes of checking the voltage in range and ground terminal on the logger will do, G or the those with an earth symbol. The brown and blue wires should remain connected. The black and white can be connected or not - it should not make any difference to the the voltage measured if they are connected to analogue inputs and the logger is powered on.

Leel Jul 27, 2011 11:40 AM

Thanks.Is it OK , if blue or clear wires were connected to any G or earth symbol of the logger or are there any specific places for those two wires.?

aps Jul 27, 2011 11:44 AM

For the purposes of checking the sensor is not faulty it does not matter. For good measurments both of those wires can be connected to a terminal with the earth symbol next to the analogue inputs used for the black and white wires.

Leel Jul 28, 2011 04:07 PM

Hi, I checked the Black and G and its 0.12 V and white & G is similar. ( the brown wire in 12V and all ground wires were connected)

aps Jul 28, 2011 04:15 PM

0.12V would equate to 12% RH and -28 deg C. Both would seem on the low side, which is where we started!

Unless you can see any fault with the elements inside the cap I would return the sensor to where you got it from.

Leel Jul 30, 2011 07:45 AM

It seems I have a faulty HMP60. As it will take some time to send it and get it back to Sri Lanka, I wish to change the program to indicate my Panel temperature as the present temp.
I also wish to delete the error reading which will appear in my card in the absence of HMP60.Please help me and thank you for any help that I can get. ( My present program is given earlier in this thread.)

Leel Aug 1, 2011 07:09 AM

Any help to change the program to indicate the panel temp instead of HMP temp(program given earlier in this thread)
is appreciated.

aps Aug 1, 2011 08:36 AM

Someone from our Australian office should be in touch with you about this.

Harry Aug 3, 2011 02:24 AM

Hi Leel,

Please can you email your .CR1 logger program to helpdesk@campbellsci.com.au and we'll take a look at if for you and make the necessary changes. I know the program is on page one of this forum, but it will be easier if you email us the actual program.

Harry Aug 3, 2011 11:50 PM

Hi Leel,

I've just emailed you an ammended version of your program which temporarily sets air temp equal to the panel temp of the logger as requested. One thing to note, the program you sent through had an offset of -20 for the air temp measurement, this should be -40, I've ammended it for you.

Jeeva Aug 4, 2011 03:03 AM

Hello Harry,
the multiplier and offset (only different for 4-20) is not the same for all the HMP60 sensors. please double check with leel what is the order code on the sensors. since vaisala has no of options for the voltage output. the available outputs for the HMP60 are

0...1 V A
0...2.5 V B
0...5 V C
1 ...5V D
Scaling for 4..20 mA converter

Leel Aug 5, 2011 08:40 AM

Thanks Harry, David and Jeeva for the tips and the program.
It did the trick.

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