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Iridium satellite modem

Bibo00 Jul 18, 2011 05:40 PM

I'm a little about the LoggerNet settings..

I use a CR1000 with an 9522B iridium modem.

I'm able to set the iridium modem using Hyperterminal.
I think that my LoggerNet configuration is fine, but it seem impossible to do the step 4 : Remote modem Configuration...

Thank you

wlcable Jul 18, 2011 06:27 PM

Hi Bibo00,

I have a fair amount of experience with the 9522B. Can you explain your setup a bit more and what you mean by it being impossible to do step 4? I assume you are referring to http://www.campbellsci.ca/Catalogue/Iridium_Man.pdf the Iridium manual from Campbell Canada?


Bibo00 Jul 18, 2011 07:34 PM

Hi Billy,

I connect an RS232 cable to the 9 pin port on the C2462 interface which is attached to the 9522B iridium modem via a ribbon cable. The C2462 is also attached to a power supply. The modem has an antenna cable attached to an antenna...

First, I did the setup of the Iridium modem using Hyperterminal.

Then,I try the Loggernet Configuration.

I try to do a Comm Test, but it's failed...

So, i don't know where are my mistakes..

Thank you for your help and for your understanding.

wlcable Jul 18, 2011 08:35 PM

A few comments / things to check...

The C2462 probably needs to be connected to the CR1000's RS232 port with a null modem cable.

You will need international dialing capability on your base modem (attached to the loggernet computer).

The iridium modem won't work inside because the antenna needs a clear view of the sky so make sure your antenna is outdoors. You can check the signal quality with command "AT+CSQ" using Hyperterminal. It will return a value from 0 to 5, 0 being no signal and 5 being the best. You can also check to see if your modem is registered on the network with "AT+CREG?". The first value it returns should be 0 and the second will be 1 if it is registered on the network. Other possible values are:
0 - not registered, ISU is not currently searching a new operator to register to
1 - registered, home network
2- not registered, but ISU is currently searching a new operator to register to
3 - registration denied
4 - unknown
5 - registered, roaming

You can find all the Iridium AT commands in http://remotesatellite.com/support/iridium/ISU-AT-Command-Ref-v2.pdf

I suggest you watch the communications log while doing the communications test. This way you will be able to see where the communications problem is happening. Also, if you post the contents of this log during your test I might be able to help more.


Bibo00 Jul 20, 2011 03:33 PM

Hi Bill,

I'm a little confused about your description..

The station that I'm trying to reach will be in Alberta. For the moment, I connect only my base station. Then, the only things who are connected on the CR1000 are the orange and black cables from the SCI Datalogger.

On my remote station, I will add on my set a DCE (SC932A). So, I will use a SC12 to connect the DCE and the CR1000.

At this time, my signal quality is very bad and I don't know if my modems are registered on the network.

How can I get the phone number of my modem, if I have only the number of the Sim Cards??

Thank you

Best regards,

Bibo00 Jul 20, 2011 04:00 PM

Hi Bill,

I'm a little confused about your description..

The station that I'm trying to reach will be in Alberta. For the moment, I connect only my base station. Then, the only things who are connected on the CR1000 are the orange and black cables from the SCI Datalogger.

On my remote station, I will add on my set a DCE (SC932A). So, I will use a SC12 to connect the DCE and the CR1000.

At this time, my signal quality is very bad and I don't know if my modems are registered on the network.

How can I get the phone number of my modem, if I have only the number of the Sim Cards??

Thank you

Best regards,

* Last updated by: Bibo00 on 7/20/2011 @ 10:07 AM *

wlcable Jul 20, 2011 05:25 PM

To get the phone numbers of the modems you will have to contact the company providing the service for them.


Bibo00 Jul 21, 2011 01:20 PM

Hi Bill,

I finally found the phone numbers of the Sim Cards.

What should I do now?


Bibo00 Jul 21, 2011 01:38 PM

When I do at+cpin?
I receive: +Creg:000,004

What does-it mean?

Bibo00 Jul 21, 2011 02:53 PM

hummm.. I did a mistakes!

When I do AT+creg?
I get +Creg:000,004

wlcable Jul 21, 2011 06:08 PM

+Creg:000,004 means that the network registration is "unknown" but I am not exactly sure what that means. You should probably contact the company providing your service and check with them.

If you have the phone number of the modem you could try calling it and see if the modem answers.


Bibo00 Jul 27, 2011 07:39 PM

Hello Bill,

The person who took care of the system before me said I should call someone from CSI to do the "fine tuning".

Is-it the setup?
What does this operation and is it necessary?

At this time, I did everything that was written in the 9522b_Man.

Thank you

Bibo00 Jul 29, 2011 01:18 PM

Thank you for this information.
However,I already found the phone number...

Best regards,

wlcable Aug 1, 2011 06:18 PM

You could try calling CSI for more help but I am not sure how much help they will be since these Iridium modems aren't something they sell. I am going to need more information about what you have done and what isn't working before I can be of much help.


MCTT Sep 15, 2011 09:36 AM


I using CR800 with two 9522B modems, I tested signal level and the network registration , they work ok, I also use these sims with iridium phone, they call ok.

But, I can not connect Loggnet net with Cr800 via these modems.

Please let me a few points that we install it.

This is attach file about trouble communication. Please donwload link below.


Nguyen Van Hung

wlcable Sep 20, 2011 06:21 PM

Hi Nguyen,

I might be able to help but I will need some more information about how your network is set up. How are the 9522B's connected to the CR800? Are you using a 9522B to call them with?


MCTT Sep 29, 2011 04:15 AM

Hi wlcable

Yes, I use two 9522B, ones for base station and ones for remote station.

I connected 9522B with Cr800 via RS232 using null modem cable.

Nguyen Van Hung

wlcable Sep 29, 2011 05:51 PM

Hi Nguyen,

It is hard to say what the problem might be, it looks like you have things setup correctly. Are you sure that the base 9522b is working correctly? I have seen problems before using USB to serial adapters, you might need to find a computer with a built in serial port. Have you tried calling a regular phone with the base to make sure it rings through?

Can you send a copy of the most recent communications log? This might be able to tell us where the link is failing.


aps Sep 29, 2011 09:13 PM

There is one known issue in connectiong these modems to the logger RS232 port directly. The modems do not like the configuration of the logger serial port handshaking lines.

Try making a 3-wire connection instead, turning off any requirement for handhsaking in the modem.

MCTT Nov 21, 2011 02:30 AM


I work with Iridium modem (9522b) via SC932A and CS I/O Port,I used Cr800 datalogger. but the speed was very slow and it connect to be not stable, however,I set the baud rate 19200 kps.

Please show me a few your comments.

kirving Sep 3, 2012 09:04 PM

a year ago, user aps wrote:
There is one known issue in connectiong these modems to the logger RS232 port directly. The modems do not like the configuration of the logger serial port handshaking lines.

Is there more information available on this issue? I'm trying to see if it's possible to use handshaking for modem-originated sessions, not involving loggernet, but perhaps disabling handshaking when loggernet calls the site.

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