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HMP60 minus reading

Leel Jul 15, 2011 07:24 AM

Hi, one of the HMP60 sensor which i bought giving minus degree( around -20C) reading though it should be around +30C. Can anyone help me to correct it?. My program is written for the old sensor HMP 45 or 50. Thank you for any help in advance

aps Jul 15, 2011 09:43 AM

The HMP60 has programmable outputs. When bought from Campbell Scientific it should be setup to scale -40 to +60C as 0-1V output, the same as the old sensors. I would verify the output with a voltmeter if possible and run through a manual calculation just to be sure there is not a programming/logger fault.

If it is doing something else and it was bought from Campbell Scientific it will need to be returned for repair/ reconfiguration.

If bought elsewhere or you want to try to tackle the reconfiguration yourself Vaisala sell a USB interface for the probe that would allow you to reconfigure the probe.

Leel Jul 20, 2011 09:55 AM

Hi, I just checked that the 12v output(CR1000) connected to HMP60 gives 1.3V
and the present Humidity is indicated as 57 . (Present temp as +15C and the correct Temp should be around +32-33C)

Is there a problem with the data logger. Other readings of sensors connected to CR 1000 are OK).

Can someone help me out

aps Jul 20, 2011 10:17 AM

Are you saying the SW12 output on the logger wiring panel gives 1.3V? Is that with it turned on continuously. If it is then either there output is overloaded (something drawing more ~500 mA of current) or it is faulty. If the sensor is being switched on and off then that measurement will be misleading.

Trying powering the sensor all the time (connect it to 12V) and then measure the output voltage for both outputs using a meter.

Leel Jul 21, 2011 03:38 PM

Hi, I connected to 12V and tried. Still faulty readings of Temperature.( about 10C minus of the correct value). Till we sort this out, can someone help to set Data logger Temperature of CR1000 as present Temperature. Thank you in advance

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