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Pakbus protocoll and radio communication

Asulv Jul 12, 2011 08:38 AM


We are planning to build a radio network using Satel UHF radioes and CR850 Dataloggers. Is it possible to use the bennefits of the Pakbus protocol and set up the radioes in transparent mode, or must the radio NMS adressing system be used so the dataloggers only se a point to point connection? I tried the network planner, but I can't find a way to build a radio network using transparent radioes without Pakbus adress.

Some of the CR850 / radio stations will have to act as repeaterstation

Is there anybody with experience using Pakbus and radio networks?

Some of the repeater stations are only powered from solarpanels so we have to switch the radiopower on/off in intervals.


aps Jul 12, 2011 10:20 AM

You can use Satel radios in transparent mode using Pakbus addressing for small networks. However if you go beyond 3 or so loggers OR if you want to use repeaters you will need to turn on and use the Satel addressing scheme so you can direct traffic across the network.

The problem is without the radios being Pakbus aware (which Campbell's own radios are) extra traffic is transmitted over the air which limits bandwidth etc. Furthermore repeaters cannot be implemented unless the radio "talks" Pakbus or there is a logger at the repeater.

It is however possible to use Satel's own addressing scheme in Loggernet using the Generic Modem option.

Asulv Sep 15, 2011 08:01 AM

Do you have any example for dial script used in the generic modem for use with Satels own adressing scheme?

In satel NMS PC setup you can add protocol filters wich picks out the adress field in the serial protocoll, in this case the Pakbus protocoll, and routes the telegram through the radio nettwork. The problem with Pakbus protocoll is that the adress field is 12 bit, (1,5 byte), and the Satel protocoll filter does not support this.

I cant see how the generic modem option can help me with this, I asume the modem script is a communication string between LoggerNet PC and the master radio before the pakbus protocoll transmission starts?


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