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Focusing CC640 camera

BNZLTER Jun 20, 2011 08:57 PM

Hi there,
We've been struggling with a good system for focusing our CC640 in the field. We have been trying to use a digital antenna adapter for our laptop. This broke and never really produced a sharp image to be able to focus anyways.
I'm thinking about purchasing a portable TV for this purpose. There are several brands available online for around $100.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what you use, and if it's a portable TV, what make and model?

kirving Jun 20, 2011 10:58 PM

We've used a Pinnacle Dazzle with some success with a laptop running Windows XP, though not always easy to get the drivers or application configuration right. I think we used the Microsoft Media Player for the viewing application.

The camera display includes a number which seems to be maximum when the focus is good, and we've used that to try to get the best focus. I suspect the number is maybe a count of elements in the view, but don't know for sure.

I've thought about some kind of rack & pinion mechanism to allow fine adjustment of the focus ring, which is extremely sensitive and not easy to move slightly. But we haven't gone beyond thinking about it.

Sam Jun 21, 2011 01:28 AM

At CSI, we've used a device like the Casio SY-30 Rugged Portable Television successfully for installation and trouble shooting.

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