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Luksa Jun 7, 2011 02:46 PM


I am using CR 1000 data logger and I have to read a line via serial communication that is formated according to hessen protocol i.e. at the end of the line a block check code is sent (BCC). BCC is simply XOR of all the bytes in the line.
I would like to use CheckSum function to verify the integrity of the data but I can't find how to do it in the manual. It is written that CheckSum function takes ChkSumType and ChkSumSize arguments but their values are not explained anywhere in CR1000 manual.

Can you please help.

aps Jun 7, 2011 04:17 PM

Please see the CRBasic Editor help. This is now the detailed reference for all of the instructions, rather than the manual.

Checksum type 9 may match your requirements.

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