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CR10X Datalogger Urgent Inquiries

tahoang88 May 26, 2011 11:49 PM


I am a new Student Assistant at Cal Poly Pomona, my recently assigned task was working on a currently running CR10X Datalogger which was set up a long time ago


The information I am provided is very limited: All I know is that the CR10X is now communicating via APN i2gold from AT&T but I don't know about the Cellular Modem. I am assuming that it is also using a Campbell Scientific product as a Modem. I also know the IP address of the Modem. Physical access to the device requires special permission and I would prefer trying to find a way to work-around that before asking for such permission.

My question is that: Given those limited information, how can I figure out what Cellular Modem is being used and the port so that I can properly set up and retrieve the information from the Datalogger using LoggerNet.

Thank you very much!

IslandMan May 27, 2011 12:56 PM

I suggest you take a look at the setup in the RavenXTG Manual on the CSI web site.
You just need to set up an IPPort with the IP address and port 3001, ie You next potential stumbling block could be the PakBus address of the logger. I'd try an address of 1 but it may take a long time to guess it if it's not 1. The only way to determine the PakBus address that I know of would to be to access the logger with Device Configuration utility via the RS232 port on the logger, or use a CR1000KD if you have one and look at Settings.

Dana May 27, 2011 03:47 PM

The CR10X likely has a mixed array operating system, so you won't have to worry about the PakBus address.

Dana W.

tahoang88 May 27, 2011 03:54 PM


Thanks all for your concerns. I was able to connect to it after roughly one hour. I had to use deductive logic to find out about it which was pretty fun. The cellular modem was RavenXTG, the port was default port running on 12345.

tahoang88 May 31, 2011 11:19 PM


I have a couple more questions regarding CR10X:

+ Where I can get the DLD file so that I can have the name for the InputLocation in the DataFile as well as in Numeric Display because right now all it displays are just the InputLocation number. It would be great if I can associate a DLD file with it so that it can tell what the reading in those ports mean.

+ We plan to build some sort of weather report on our home page using the data from the Datalogger CR10X. Preferably, we would like the process to be independent of the LoggerNet software. But in order to do that, I need some understanding about what kind of connection that needs to be created between the two sides (the CR10X is communicating through AT&T cellular network which provides us an IP address and a port number). Is there any documentation about the protocol used in there so that we can create a C program that create the socket and talk to the CR10X.

+ Generally, we are only interested in the, let's say, 10 most recent readings from the CR10X every time we query the devices, it would be great if you can point me to the right directions.

Thank you so very much!!!

Dana May 31, 2011 11:54 PM

+ Where I can get the DLD file

You would have to check with whoever set up the system. There are very few "canned" programs for the datalogger unless you've purchased one of our preconfigured weather stations.

You can retrieve the program file using LoggerNet, but it may not contain the labels.

port number). Is there any documentation about the protocol used in there so that we can create a C program that create the socket and talk to the CR10X.

The telecommunications commands are documented in the CR10X manual.

+ Generally, we are only interested in the, let's say, 10 most recent readings from the CR10X every time we query the devices, it would be great if you can point me to the right directions.

LoggerNet's setup screen has a data collection option to collect the last X number of pointers.

Dana W.

tahoang88 Jun 1, 2011 12:14 AM

+ You can retrieve the program file using LoggerNet, but it may not contain the labels.

I already did that, and yes, it doesn't contain any information regarding the port location as well as the labels. I will probably try compare the output value for a specific timestamp with the values on CIMIS to figure out the labels for the input ports.

Besides, I believe that the datalogger was purchased directly from Campbell SCI.

LoggerNet's setup screen has a data collection option to collect the last X number of pointers.

The problem is that we want to set up an approach to collect the data (most recent data) from the Datalogger that is independent of the LoggerNet software. Because preferably we would want to fetch the new information when the end users refresh the screen or such. Thus, the isolation of the web application and the LoggerNet software is VERY desirable.

tahoang88 Jun 1, 2011 06:47 PM

Hi Dana,

I have a question regarding the data file of CR10X. In the data file I can see 3 different arrays named Array 201, 212 and 222 (is that the reason why the CR10X was called mixed-array datalogger?). As I observe, I can see that CIMIS is using the value from array 201. I was able to map the data from the data file and compare it with CIMIS data and was able to know what means what. But now I am doing the harder part, which is trying to map that name to the inputLocations.

In the current CR10X, I can see 28 input locations, i am wondering is there correlation between the inputLocations and the array. (for example, where are the data stored?), and what are the values in Array 212 and 222.

Thank you so much!!

Dana Jun 1, 2011 08:11 PM

Besides, I believe that the datalogger was purchased directly from Campbell SCI.

Unless otherwise ordered (or installed by an integrator) the datalogger comes with only a very simple default program running (battery voltage and internal temp).

The program that is running in your datalogger most likely was written by whomever owned the datalogger before it got to you. No one on this forum can tell you what that program contains. Your best bet is to contact that person, or you're left with opening the program in Edlog (LoggerNet's CR10X program editor) and working out the details from there.

The problem is that we want to set up an approach to collect the data (most recent data) from the Datalogger that is independent of the LoggerNet software.

Refer to my previous suggestion of referring to the telecommunications commands in the CR10X manual. If you decide to go this route, you'll be on your own in terms of support.

In the current CR10X, I can see 28 input locations, i am wondering is there correlation between the inputLocations and the array. (for example, where are the data stored?), and what are the values in Array 212 and 222.

I think you would benefit by reading the Overview section of the CR10X manual.

Basically, the datalogger is programmed on some interval to measure the sensors (the Scan Interval). These measurements are stored in input locations, which are temporary and overwritten with each scan. It is also programmed (typically on a different interval) to write to non-volatile memory a processed result from these input locations over a period of time in the form of samples, maximums, minimums, etc. (these are your arrays, and they are stored in what we call final storage).

For instance, I may make a temperature measurement once per minute. That measurement is stored in a single input location that is overwritten with each new scan. I further may have programmed the datalogger to store an average of this temperature measurement once an hour (into an array in final storage).

You can find the CR10X manual on our web site:


Dana W.

tahoang88 Jun 1, 2011 09:52 PM

Hi Dana,

Thank you very much for your help. Following your suggestion, I now know where the inputLocations are and what they contain and what kind of computation was used. Now I will probably start from trying to understand the structure of the final storage and such. I am only a student assistant and only work around 10 hours a week so probably my next question for you would be sometime next week.

Once again, thank you so much!!!!

tahoang88 Jun 13, 2011 04:39 PM

Hi Dana,

I followed your advice and read the telecommunication commands and right now I am quite confused. In the LOGGERNET software there is a function called Numeric Display in which it allows you to select some inputLocations then display and update the values stored in those locations. I am wondering how that can be achieved. For example, I want to get the data from the inputLocation 5, what would be the sequence of commands to be sent from the client socket so that the CR10X would, in response, send me the data from it's inputLocation #5.

Thank you very much!

Dana Jun 13, 2011 07:45 PM

Refer to the U command in the Telecommunications appendix.

It is not a simple process, and you'll need to have a good understanding with our equipment to be successful. That's why we develop software!

Dana W.

tahoang88 Jun 16, 2011 10:12 PM

Hi Dana,

Just as a follow up. I have finished coding the program and it works perfectly fine. I finished exporting all the readings to an XML file. Now all I need to do is to merge that one with my website and put the python program on CRONTAB so that it polls the station every 2 minutes.

By the way, since our version of the OS is V3, we cannot run the U command, I can only run either I or 3142J.

Thank you for your help!

* Last updated by: tahoang88 on 6/16/2011 @ 4:16 PM *

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