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CR3000 - Inability to communicate with CSAT3 and LICOR 7500

bugguts99 May 19, 2011 11:22 AM

I inadvertently connected both CSAT3 and LICOR 7500 to C1, C2 and C3 rather than SDM-C1, SDM-C2 and SDM-C3 as per CR3000 Series Datalogger program, Version 2.3, 04 Dec 2006. As one would expect, all values for both sensors returned NaN's and all flags were true. Once rectified (i.e. wired up correctly) and re-programmed, the sensors still read NaNs etc. This same result was obtained when power cycling the datalogger; however, when communicating directly with the LICOR from the PC, the sensor is reading the expected values(I have not yet checked the CSAT3, but expect it to be the same).

Could I have upset the logger somehow by wiring these sensors to the COMs ports?? Do you have any ideas of where I might be going wrong??

PS. I am communicating with logger either directly (through LoggerNet) or via mobile phone.

eddycov1 May 20, 2011 09:07 PM

You cannot damage the logger by wiring the sensors wrongly into the ports. You can, however, in some cases, damage the sensors if you wire them into the wrong channels, which is not the case here.

I suspect you need to check the SDM addresses of your sensors. When made here at CSI, CSAT3s ship with SDM address 3. LICOR 7500s (7500As) are setup here at CSI to work at SDM address 7. The same addresses are our defaults for our CRBasic Eddy Covariance programs. I think that is your problem.

Please read the manuals for both sensors to learn how to adjust the SDM address (if you don't already know that information). If you still have problems please call us and ask for one of the specialist in the Micrometeorology Group. Best of luck!

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