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Rs232 connection problem

wg May 17, 2011 10:33 AM

Dear Users,
we are doing some tests in connecting a modem to our CR1000 in a special way (goal: remote connection via LoggerNet). Within this tests we send the following program:


Dim GSMRes As String * 100

SerialOut(ComRS232,"ATZ" + CHR(13) +CHR(10),"",0,0)

...and so on...

With this procedure we were able to establish a connection between logger and modem but unfortunatley we are not able to connect to the Logger via RS232 and LoggerNet any more? Is there any possibility to reset the router or anybody knows another solution for re-establish the connection?

Thanks a lot for any efforts!

aps May 17, 2011 10:50 AM

The problem is you are using Rs232 format "1" - odd parity. This is not compatible with normal Pakbus communications. This setting sticks even after you close the serial port, unless you reopen the port with format option "0".

If possible reconfigure the modem to 8 bits, no parity, and use the default format option of 0.

wg May 17, 2011 10:54 AM

Thanks a lot for your fast reply and information! We will change the modem settings but at the moment we are not able to connect to the logger any more (we also cannot connect over IP-Port). You have any idea how to stop the logger or how to configure Loggernet to connect with the standard serial cable again?

Thanks for your efforts!

wg May 17, 2011 12:05 PM

We solved the comunication problem over the I/O port! Thanks again for your efforts!

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