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christophe May 6, 2011 11:48 AM

I have a problem to configure my sensors with "RTMCdev".
I have 48 sensors connected on my station cr10x with an AM16/32.
When I configure "connect" of "loggernet" I can modify the number of sensors (by defaut 28) in the section "data display".
I can show 48 sensors and rename them in "numeric display".
My probleme is when I want to configure "RTMCdev" I cannot have that 48 sensors .
How to make. Thank you.

Chris from france

Dana May 6, 2011 08:35 PM

Hello Chris,

Make sure you have scheduled data collection set up for the datalogger in LoggerNet.

If this isn't the problem, please be more specific about the symptoms you are seeing.


christophe May 9, 2011 07:04 AM

Hello Dana,
my data collection scheduled is ok.

but my problem is more in RTMCdev:
for example when I want to assign a "status bar" to data :
I choose in "network map browser" the datalogger(cr10x)
I see "ports and flags" and "_inlocs_" :
and my problem is here :
in "inlocs" : I've only 28 "InputLocation"
How to have it more ?


jtrauntvein May 9, 2011 05:43 PM

RTMC gets the set of input locations labels that are associated with the datalogger program and does not offer more than that set. The limit of 28 appears to be the default limit set by EdLog. If you want RTMC to make more input locations, you will have to define these within the edlog program.

Dana May 9, 2011 07:25 PM

Hello Chris,

In LoggerNet's Connect window, make sure you have associated the program file with the datalogger. This is done from the Datalogger menu, Associate Program.

Dana W.

christophe May 10, 2011 09:46 AM

hello Dana,
that works !!!
I've not associated the program file with the datalogger .
you were right

thanks a lot


Dana May 10, 2011 06:10 PM

Thanks for letting me know that you are up and running.

Dana W.

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