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Mobile communication Log options

bep Apr 15, 2011 04:07 PM

Dear all,

are there any options to Log status information about the Mobile phone network?

Since our remote stations (usually connected through GPRS, but sometimes through GSM dialup) are frequently not online, we would like to log information about following parameters:

- Antenna Signal Strengh of the Wavecom Modem (is returned by the modem when prompting "AT+CSQ?")
- Network provider
- ...

These parameters are returned by the Modem when prompting AT-Commands to the serial port of the Wavecom. So it would be necessary to send out these commands from the Logger and write re returned strings to a Log-Table in the Logger.

Any help is appreciated.

aps Apr 18, 2011 04:11 PM

There is no inherent logging facility built into the logger to record the modem status, as it is used with a wide range of modems and there are numerous parameters you could record.

You can of course do as you say and include some lines of code in your program to poll the modem at regualur intervals for its current status and write the response to a separate data table.

* Last updated by: aps on 4/18/2011 @ 10:12 AM *

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