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add abbreviation on data table

fdec Mar 29, 2011 02:06 PM


just another thing

for measuring the wind direction with a windvane thies, i measure the average, stdv, max and min
but in my data table, it's write windvane ; windvane_stdv ; windvane_max ; windvane_ min

so why it's not written windvane_avg ?

it would be nice if we could bring up but i cannot see where it's possible.

if you have an idea.

while waiting to read you

françois declercq

Dana Mar 29, 2011 03:59 PM

Hello Francios,

You can use the FieldNames instruction immediately after an output instruction in the datatable, to change the name to anything you like.



jra Mar 29, 2011 08:17 PM


Please post your DataTable and which OS is running in your datalogger.

If your DataTable has an output instruction something like this: Average (1,windvane,FP2,False). The fieldname associated with that output will be windvane_avg. If your DataTable is using a Sample instead of Average instruction the fieldname will be as you described.


fdec Apr 1, 2011 01:00 PM

dear dana and janet

thank you for your answers

please find an extract of my database.

in my cr3000, the OS is the n° 7

Define Data Tables

'enregistrement de la girouette principale

WindVector (1,anemom,girouet,FP2,girouet=NaN,0,0,4)

as you describe I think that I must add instruction fieldnames for the windvane average!

thanks you

while waiting to read you

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