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output 0-5v

fdec Mar 24, 2011 04:13 PM

i have another question

I need to recover on a CR3000 values ​​measured instantaneous (1Hz frequency) by an anemometer (vector a100l) on a 0-5v output anologue or 4-20mA
I intend to use the excitev (I think it is most appropriate). but I have not yet managed to set it up well.
the entrance are the port P1 and the analog output port would be vx1.

could you help me on the writing program?

while waiting to read you


aps Mar 24, 2011 05:03 PM

You need to use the CAO output not the excitation outputs which are switched on and off during measurements.

Include this instruction in your program:

ExciteCAO (CAO1,Wind*66.6667,False )

Where Wind is the variable holding the windspeed which is previously measured with a pulsecount instruction. The *66.6667 scales the wind (I assume a max of 75 m/s) to 5000 mV, i.e. the output will give 0-5V output for 0-75 m/s.

fdec Mar 25, 2011 09:38 AM

dear aps
thanks for you answer

just one things, i have don't understand how do you determinate "*66.6667" i think it's the 2/3 of something but what?
in my case the scale is between 0 and 30m/s
so my answer is if the wind speed are heavier than 30m/s i will have a problem? how do you determinate the multiplier factor?
while waiting to read you

thanks a lot


aps Mar 25, 2011 11:28 AM

66.6667 = 5000 /75 (5000 mV output divided by 75 m/s)

For 30 m/s max use

5000/30 = 166.667

If the windspeed goes over 30 m/s the CAO output will cap out at just over 5000 mV. If this is likely to you need to chose a lower multipler to cover the range likely.

fdec Mar 29, 2011 01:46 PM

dear aps
your program works perfectly thank you

while waiting to read you


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