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CR1000 Setup

UNTEngineer Mar 23, 2011 10:47 PM

Hello there,

Ive been working to try to connect to a CR1000 to my laptop using a Serial RS232 to USB adapter. I am using Windows Vista on my laptop, and Loggernet v4.0.

So far I have been unable to connect to the CR1000, due to a connection error. Ive tried with the software, and using Putty. Nothing works; Ive tried using the NL100 to connect, but as I dont know the IP address of the device, I cant connect to it.

Im pretty much lost as to how to get this connection to work, so I can start data logging. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


* Last updated by: UNTEngineer on 7/26/2011 @ 11:09 PM *

IslandMan Mar 24, 2011 10:18 AM

Have you installed the drivers for the serial/usb adapter?
Are you sure of the com port assigned to the usb adapter?
Can you connect to the logger using device configuration tool?

aps Mar 24, 2011 01:12 PM

As well as answering Dave's questions I suggest you also upgrade to Loggernet 4.1 which for you would be free, from www.campbellsci.com/downloads

Loggernet 4.0 did struggle with some serial to USB adaptors although that may not be your only problem.

UNTEngineer Mar 24, 2011 08:01 PM

Have you installed the drivers for the serial/usb adapter?


Are you sure of the com port assigned to the usb adapter?

I believe so; it is labeled as USB-to-SERIAL adapter. The other COM port my computer detects doesnt connect to anything, and doesnt work.

Ive tried to test the COM port, and it failed. The other one I said is there, only exists in the hardware config of the computer, the test monitor doesnt detect that COM port.

Can you connect to the logger using device configuration tool?


I've tried the update, and it tells me I dont have LoggerNet SDK installed. Is what I have the Server SDK instead?


* Last updated by: UNTEngineer on 3/24/2011 @ 2:33 PM *

IslandMan Mar 25, 2011 01:33 AM

You can get the upgrade to Loggernet here:
Select LoggerNet Patch 4.1

Try upgrading Loggernet and then try to connect again.

UNTEngineer Apr 4, 2011 10:41 PM

Sorry for the delay, Ive been busy with Thesis work.

I found out that I already have LoggerNet 4.1 patch installed. So Im back whee I started, I still cant connect to the CR1000.

Any more suggestions?

sonoautomated Apr 4, 2011 11:34 PM

Hi UNTEngineer,

I'm sorry about your trouble. I know how frustrating that can be. I ran into this twice last week with two other customers. What we found out in both cases was that they were using the USB port on the back vs the one on the side of the computer where they for the first time plugged in their adapter.

USB printers do the same thing. You install the drver then it waits for you to plug in the USB connection to know which port to assign the driver.

So try to remember which port you plugged in the adapter after you installed the driver. You may have to un-install the driver re-install it, then plug in your adapter, in that order.

And lastly.....:) is the logger power up and getting proper voltage?


UNTEngineer Apr 5, 2011 01:18 AM

Im pretty sure the logger is powered up. The power indicator is lit up when the power switch is on. Im not sure how else I could test that it is working. I have all the paperwork showing that CS tested the logger and all the connections before sending it to me, so it was operational before it got to me. It must be my cable connections, I'll take another look at that and get back to you.

Dana Apr 5, 2011 03:20 PM

An easy check for power is to use a voltmeter to check 5V and 12V on the datalogger's 5 & 12 V terminals.


Dana Apr 5, 2011 03:20 PM

An easy check for power is to use a voltmeter to check 5V and 12V on the datalogger's 5 & 12 V terminals.


sonoautomated Apr 5, 2011 03:21 PM


Note: The power light on the PS100 is only a charging indicator light. It does not indicate power on to the logger. If it's wired correctly and since the switch is in the ON position the logger should have power. To test this you need a multimeter. Put one lead on the 5v port and the other lead on the "G" next to it. If it is properly powered it should read darn near 5 volts.

* Last updated by: sonoautomated on 4/5/2011 @ 10:53 AM *

UNTEngineer Apr 13, 2011 11:33 PM

I think we've pretty much narrowed down the problem to the cable, since it tells me communication error (unable to connect). We're in the process of ordering a replacement cable. If anything new comes up, I'll be sure to post.


trunghiepsy Jun 6, 2011 09:06 AM

did you checked power to CR1000? i thing about it.

* Last updated by: trunghiepsy on 6/6/2011 @ 3:06 AM *

UNTEngineer Jun 6, 2011 09:11 PM

This weather station is no longer my responsibility, so I wont be able to provide updates to progress on this, but I will say this, I tested a couple of cables including one purchased from Campbell Scientific, and the error still existed. I'm thinking its a driver problem with Windows Vista.

Thanks for the help.

(You can close this topic now)

graywacke Jul 26, 2011 06:58 AM

Our farm here in saudi arabia is setting up also 2 ET model weather station from your company and we are ahaving a hard time also setting up the gprs connection to transmit the data using the loggernet. The loggernet able to connect but unable to communicate with CR1000X. All are properly working but the communication with CR1000X is the main problem. I would like to post snapshot here but i think the forum does not cater inline picts.

aps Jul 26, 2011 10:57 AM

Please tell us what the GPRS modem is you have, what type of SIM/phone contract you have and why you think Loggernet can connect?

graywacke Jul 26, 2011 11:46 AM

We are using fast track extend FXT009 and we are using data bundle sim card provided by Mobily network. The logger net can connect using the device configuration utility 2.0 and we're able to have TCP/IP info. and we are using fixed IP address But whe n we are trying to CONNECT already it prompt us COMMUNICATION FAILURE WITH THE STATION CR1000 and inside the log error message- FORCED TO KEEP OFFLINE *.* OPENING NOT PERMITTED. Then the status monitor under the all OFFLINE.

aps Jul 26, 2011 01:00 PM

When you connect with the device configurator I presume you are able to connect whilst the modem is connected to the other socket and you have followed the instructions in the CS-GPRS manual in relation to entering the required settings. (BTW do not enter the IP address you think you should use - let the modem pick an IP address up from the network).

If so can you see some entries in the TCP/IP info screen indicating you have a connection?

Regarding the fixed IP address above, this is a little strange. That IP address is allocated to a company in Italy that does public Satellite links. Are you sure it is correct? Also do you have open access to all sockets at that address from the public internet?

graywacke Jul 27, 2011 04:41 AM

We're able to connect with the device configurator and the TCP/IP info screen giving us info with all PPP numbers up to DNS.

Regarding the fixed IP address, our manager said it is correct and come from our satellite internet provider. I'm not sure if we have open access to all sockets at the IP.

Do you have email address where I can send the detailed snapshot of the problem we're going through. Thank you so much for the prompt response regarding our problem.

graywacke Jul 27, 2011 08:54 AM


can you elaborate how to test CS to logger?
about the 5v and 12v?

the com port assigned was correct since we're able to connect and we're not using usb adapter instead direct to serial port.

Can you help me with this? i have snapshots of the problem, would you mind if i could send it to you since Mr. Andrew of CS Europe is not replying yet to my post.


aps Jul 27, 2011 09:03 AM

I don't think you will get an answer from "lovewithyou8808" as those emails are posted by a spammer - he is trying to sell you sunglasses.

Please connect to your logger using the Device Configurator and hit the summary button and save the file and send that to me. Also do screen shots of the setup screen of Loggernet showing how you have entered the IP settings.

My email is (words converted)

andrew dot sandford at campbellsci dot co dot uk

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