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puzzlement when using multiplexer

Forrest Mar 19, 2011 04:10 PM

I have two tricky problems, when using TDR for slope deformation measurement experiment, to consult you and hope to get some constructive advices from you.

Here are the questions:
1.When TDR100 directly connects to PC (a deformed cable used as probe is connected to TDR100), cable deformation could display magnificently in Software, PCTDR; While when Datalogger(CR1000) ,TDR100 and SDMX 50 multiplexer are all used ( the deformed cable is used also), the data collected from Datalogger is quite different from those from TDR100 (in TDR100,display waveform is saved as .dat file.), thus using data, collected by Datalogger, to make deformation graph, the waveform is totally different from the one displayed in TDR100. Could you please tell me what’s wrong with it?
2.When TDR100 directly connects to PC (a deformed cable used as probe is connected to TDR100), waveform of cable deformation displayed in PCTDR is fluctuating.
All these experiments are doing indoors.
Thanks for reading the letter and looking to hear from you ASAP.

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