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CR200 and GSM

Freluque Mar 18, 2011 01:54 PM

I request your help because I would like to connect a gsm modem (RS232 connection/AT command) with a CR200 datalogger...

Is it possible to connect my modem on your RS232 port?
And in this case how I can connect to my datalogger if this port is used for the transmission... because there is only one RS232 port....

Finaly my last question...with a CR1000 I can use
serialin and serialout operation to manage my modem (without any problem), I am not sure it is possible on my CR200...

Thanks your for your help!!!

Best Regards

JDavis May 24, 2011 05:34 PM

You will need to use a null modem cable between the modem and the CR200. Also set the modem to use 9600 baud and ignore DTR.

The CR200 has a Print() instruction which will output a string out its RS232 port.

Unlike the CR1000, the CR200 does not have a way to check the responses to the AT commands. You will need a delay depending on your modem after sending the AT commands before you can send data.

Freluque May 25, 2011 09:10 AM


Yes you are perfectly right :)
I found this command (print) on the manual of CR200...

MCTT Sep 28, 2011 08:09 AM

Dear All,

I am working on Siemen TC35i with the data logger of Campbell Sientific (CR200).

Before, I tested them and they worked ok.

But yesterday, I replaced new SIMS and reset the modems and now they do not worked ok.

I think that I do not have full settings.

I would like to ask you about Modem Initialization string for TC35i. and necessary configure for TC35i with Ignored DTR.

Nguyen Van Hung

MCTT Sep 28, 2011 08:09 AM

Dear All,

I am working on Siemen TC35i with the data logger of Campbell Sientific (CR200).

Before, I tested them and they worked ok.

But yesterday, I replaced new SIMS and reset the modems and now they do not worked ok.

I think that I do not have full settings.

I would like to ask you about Modem Initialization string for TC35i. and necessary configure for TC35i with Ignored DTR.

Nguyen Van Hung

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