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PPP connects, but am not able to send using FTPClient

Mauri Mar 18, 2011 12:23 PM

Dear madam/sir,

I'm doing something wrong, but don't understand what.

My datalogger is a CR1000, with operating system version 21, connected to a Siemens MC35i modem via port RS232.

The program I'm using is:


'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'date: 11. 03. 2011
'program author: Mauri

' Steering constants
Const GPRS_MaxRetries = 1
Const GPRS_TimerID = 0
Const GRPS_Callback_Success = 0
Const GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow = 1
Const GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable = 2
Const GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed = 3
Const GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed = 4
Const GRPS_Callback_CallbackTriggerFailed = 5
Const GRPS_Callback_SendTableDefsFailed = 6

'Declare Public Variables
Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public OutStat
Public LastFileName As String * 128
Public filename As String * 128
Public SplittedFile(3) As String * 64
Public iFileNum As Long
Public rFileNum As Float
Public sFileNum As String * 16
Public iFileTime As Long
Public hFile As Long
Public sBuffer As String * 512
Public sNewFileName As String * 64
Public i As Long
Public iDataRead As Long
Public ConfigFlag1 As Boolean
Public ConfigFlag2 As Boolean
Public View_GPRS_Progress As String * 200
Public GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded As Boolean
Public GPRS_ModemStarted As Boolean
Public GPRS_Retries
Public GPRS_PPPAddress As String * 20
Public GPRS_SendResult
Public GPRS_Scratch
Public GPRS_EscapeCode
Public FTPSuccess As Boolean
Public result As Long
Public ok As Boolean
Public ModemAnswer As String * 64
Public iDataSent As Long
Public GPRS_Status As String * 80
Public sFTPFileName As String * 64

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)
TableFile ("CRD:Test",9,-1,0,60,Sec,OutStat,LastFileName)

' Ensure logger configuration is compatible with GPRS provider
Sub GPRS_ConfigureProviderSettings
ConfigFlag1 = True
Delay (1,5,Sec)
'Setup the PPP settings in the logger to match the correct provider configuration
SetStatus("pppDial","*99**1*1#") 'Fixed
SetStatus("pppDialresponse","CONNECT") 'Fixed if modem set to numeric response
SetStatus("pppUsername", "")
SetStatus("ppppassword", "")
PPPClose 'Again as setting the above may retrigger autoconnection
ConfigFlag1 = False

' Ensure modem is configured appropriately
Sub GPRS_ConfigureModem(bResult As Boolean)
GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = True
If SerialOut(ComRS232,"ATV0" & CHR(13),"0",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(ComRS232,"ATE1" & CHR(13),"0",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(ComRS232,CHR(13) & "AT+CGDCONT=1,""IP"",""web.omnitel.it""" & CHR(13),"0",1,300) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(ComRS232,CHR(13) & "AT&W" & CHR(13),"0",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
bResult = GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded

' Perform the actual sending
Sub GPRS_SendFile(GPRS_PPPTimeout, GPRS_IPTimeout, sFileName As String * 64, sRemoteFileName As String * 64, iResult As Long)

View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS initialising send procedure..."
GPRS_Status = "0 - Starting"
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS checking modem availability..."

' Now open a serial connection to the modem and check it is available, meanwhile
' enabling it
GPRS_ModemStarted = False
GPRS_Retries = 0
iDataSent = SerialOut(ComRS232,"ATV1" & CHR(13), "", 0, 200)
iDataSent = SerialOut(ComRS232,"AT&W" & CHR(13), "", 0, 200)
GPRS_Status = "1 - Performing modem enable"
While (NOT GPRS_ModemStarted) AND (GPRS_Retries < GPRS_MaxRetries)
iDataSent = SerialOut(ComRS232,"AT+CFUN=1" & CHR(13), "", 0, 200)
SerialIn(ModemAnswer, ComRS232, 3000, 13, 64)
GPRS_ModemStarted = (Len(ModemAnswer) <> 0)
GPRS_Retries = GPRS_Retries + 1

'Release the Modem Port.
If NOT GPRS_ModemStarted Then
'Modem was not available so exit.
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable
GPRS_Status = "1F - Modem found unavailable when attempting to enable it"
GPRS_Status = "1S - Starting PPP"
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then

' Try opening a PPP connection - beware: this step may fail
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS opening PPP connection..."
GPRS_PPPAddress = ""
GPRS_PPPAddress = PPPOpen
Loop Until (GPRS_PPPAddress <> "") OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_PPPTimeout)
GPRS_Status = "2 - Exit from PPP link establishment"
If GPRS_PPPAddress = "" Then
'PPP Connection failed, so exit.
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed
GPRS_Status = "2F - PPP connection not established"
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS attempting to write data over FTP: " & sFileName
FTPSuccess = FTPClient ("",%%USERNAME%%,%%PASSWORD%%,sFileName,sRemoteFileName,0)
GPRS_Status = "3 - Exit from FTP file send: " & FTPSuccess

' Close down the modem connection orderly
GPRS_PPPAddress = ""
Delay(1,1,Sec) 'Delay cautionarily added for the TC35i to let it respond to further commands
SerialOut(ComRS232,"AT+CFUN=0" & CHR(13), "", 0, 200)
SerialClose(ComRS232) 'Release the serial port connection.
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS callback procedure complete."
ModemAnswer = ""

' Leave under normal conditions
iResult = GPRS_EscapeCode


' Data have been saved automatically from table, with a predictable file name:
' rename them to reflect date and time, and send over FTP connection.
Sub DumpFile(sFileName As String, sDevice As String, sPrefix As String)

' Get file progressive number from current file name, decrement it by one
' and use this new number to construct the "previous" file name (in variable
' 'filename')
SplitStr (SplittedFile,sFileName,"String",1,0)
rFileNum = SplittedFile(1)
iFileNum = rFileNum - 1
If iFileNum >= 0 Then

' Generate preceding output file name
sFileNum = iFileNum
filename = sDevice + sPrefix + sFileNum + ".dat"

' Get date and time from file, and use them to construct the final data file name
' in both memory card and FTP write.
hFile = FileOpen (filename,"r",0)
If hFile <> 0 Then

' Skip header lines (5, as required by TOA5)
For i=1 To 5
iDataRead = FileReadLine (hFile,sBuffer,64)

' Get first meaningful line, and gather time stamp information from it
iDataRead = FileReadLine (hFile,sBuffer,64)
sNewFileName = sDevice+sPrefix+Mid(sBuffer,2,4)+Mid(sBuffer,7,2)+Mid(sBuffer,10,2)+Mid(sBuffer,13,2)+Mid(sBuffer,16,2)+".csv"
sFTPFileName = sPrefix+Mid(sBuffer,2,4)+Mid(sBuffer,7,2)+Mid(sBuffer,10,2)+Mid(sBuffer,13,2)+Mid(sBuffer,16,2)+".csv"

' End reading file and rename it to reflect date and time of its contents
FileClose (hFile)
FileRename (filename,sNewFileName)

' Send file over PPP
Call GPRS_SendFile(300, 15, sNewFileName, sFTPFileName, result)



'Main Program
Call GPRS_ConfigureProviderSettings
CALL GPRS_ConfigureModem(ok)
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (Batt_volt)
'Enter other measurement instructions
'Call Output Tables
CallTable Test

' Perform file-change processing
If OutStat <> 0 Then
Call DumpFile(LastFileName, "CRD:", "Test")



In the FTPClient instruction I've changed actual username and password by %%USERNAME%% and %%PASSWORD%% for privacy. In original code I placed them surrounded with quote signs.

Inspecting the variables with LoggerNet or the device configurator I can see the PPP connection is established correctly, and an IP address is given back to me.

But the FTPClient call always returns in error.

As suggested in manual CS-GPRS I enabled trace on port COM1. First I searched for FTP-only messages, and this is the result:

12:16:54.83 start the connection request
12:16:54.86 end the connection request 0
12:17:34.88 ftp client timed out logging in, state 1
12:17:34.99 ftp client not logged in
12:17:34.99 ftp client quit failed
12:17:35.00 ftp client FAILED

Then, I enabled trace on all messages, and found the following (here you can see just a little excerpt - I hope having captured only the relevant part):

12:20:18.49 ppp started dialing
12:20:19.06 dial TX: A
12:20:19.11 dial RX: A
12:20:19.12 dial TX: T
12:20:19.20 dial RX: T
12:20:19.21 dial TX: D
12:20:19.27 dial RX: D
12:20:19.28 dial TX: T
12:20:19.34 dial RX: T
12:20:19.35 dial TX: *
12:20:19.43 dial RX: *
12:20:19.44 dial TX: 9
12:20:19.48 ppp is dialing
12:20:19.50 dial RX: 9
12:20:19.51 dial TX: 9
12:20:19.57 dial RX: 9
12:20:19.58 dial TX: *
12:20:19.66 dial RX: *
12:20:19.67 dial TX: *
12:20:19.73 dial RX: *
12:20:19.74 dial TX: 1
12:20:19.80 dial RX: 1
12:20:19.81 dial TX: *
12:20:19.89 dial RX: *
12:20:19.94 dial TX: 1
12:20:20.00 dial RX: 1
12:20:20.01 dial TX: #
12:20:20.07 dial RX: #
12:20:20.08 dial TX: r
12:20:20.16 dial RX: r
12:20:20.65 dial RX: r
12:20:20.65 dial RX: n
12:20:20.65 dial RX: C
12:20:20.65 dial RX: O
12:20:20.65 dial RX: N
12:20:20.66 dial RX: N
12:20:20.66 dial RX: E
12:20:20.66 dial RX: C
12:20:20.66 dial RX: T
12:20:20.67 dial RX: r
12:20:20.67 dial RX: n
12:20:20.67 dial RX: ~
12:20:20.67 dial RX: }
12:20:20.68 dial RX: #
12:20:20.68 dial RX: !
12:20:20.68 dial RX: }
12:20:20.68 dial RX: !
12:20:20.69 dial RX: }
12:20:20.69 dial RX: #
12:20:20.69 dial RX: }
12:20:20.69 dial RX:
12:20:20.69 dial RX: }
12:20:20.70 dial RX: 9
12:20:20.70 dial RX: }
12:20:20.70 dial RX: "
12:20:20.70 dial RX: }
12:20:20.71 dial RX: &
12:20:20.71 dial RX: }
12:20:20.71 dial RX:
12:20:20.71 dial RX: }
12:20:20.71 dial RX: *
12:20:20.72 dial RX: }
12:20:20.72 dial RX:
12:20:20.72 dial RX: }
12:20:20.72 dial RX:
12:20:20.73 dial RX: }
12:20:20.73 dial RX: '
12:20:20.73 dial RX: }
12:20:20.73 dial RX: "
12:20:20.74 dial RX: }
12:20:20.74 dial RX: (
12:20:20.74 dial RX: }
12:20:20.74 dial RX: "
12:20:20.74 dial RX: }
12:20:20.75 dial RX: %
12:20:20.75 dial RX: }
12:20:20.75 dial RX: &
12:20:20.75 dial RX: }
12:20:20.76 dial RX: :
12:20:20.76 dial RX: }
12:20:20.76 dial RX: 8
12:20:20.76 dial RX: F
12:20:20.76 dial RX: }
12:20:20.77 dial RX: #
12:20:20.77 dial RX: }
12:20:20.77 dial RX: %
12:20:20.77 dial RX: #
12:20:20.78 dial RX: }
12:20:20.78 dial RX: %
12:20:20.78 dial RX: ~
12:20:20.81 ppp_fsm_init (link 0020A8CE)
12:20:20.81 lowerup: (link 0020A8CE) LCP
12:20:20.81 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): LCP state: INITIAL -> CLOSED cmd 0 pcode 0 inlen 0
12:20:21.09 ppp Sending 26 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:21.23 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d3e2c pkt 24 bytes, proto c021
12:20:21.24 ppp_inpkt (link 0020A8CE); prot: LCP, code CONFACK, state REQSENT, len 18
12:20:21.24 LCP rcvd ACK: OK
12:20:21.24 calling ppp_fsm: event 8
12:20:21.24 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): LCP state: REQSENT -> ACKRCVD cmd 80 pcode 0 inlen 18
12:20:21.26 ppp_SETTIMER fsm_tmo for 4 secs
12:20:23.19 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d3b8c pkt 27 bytes, proto c021
12:20:23.20 ppp_inpkt (link 0020A8CE); prot: LCP, code CONFREQ, state ACKRCVD, len 21
12:20:23.20 lcp_reqci: rcvd ASYNCMAP(a0000)(ACK)
12:20:23.20 lcp_reqci: rcvd PCOMPRESSION(ACK)
12:20:23.22 lcp_reqci: rcvd ACCOMPRESSION(ACK)
12:20:23.23 lcp_reqci: rcvd MAGICNUMBER(1a1846f3)(ACK)
12:20:23.23 lcp_reqci: rcvd AUTHTYPE(c223)(ACK)
12:20:23.23 lcp_reqci: returning CONFACK.
12:20:23.23 calling ppp_fsm: event 6
12:20:23.25 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): LCP state: ACKRCVD -> OPENED cmd 2064 pcode 0 inlen 21
12:20:23.25 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:20:23.25 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending CONFACK, len:21
12:20:23.30 link 0020A8CE sending 27 bytes
12:20:23.30 ppp Sending 29 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:23.32 lowerup: (link 0020A8CE) AUTH
12:20:23.32 ChapAuthWithPeer: link:20a8ce, our_name:, digest(type):5ppp_SETTIMER auth_tick for 1 secs
12:20:23.45 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d38ec pkt 27 bytes, proto c223
12:20:23.45 ChapReceiveChallenge: link 20a8ce Rcvd id 1.ChapReceiveChallenge: received name field: MD5ing; id:1, secret:, chal_len:20
12:20:23.50 link 0020A8CE sending 23 bytes
12:20:23.50 ppp Sending 23 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:23.52 ppp_SETTIMER auth_tick for 1 secs
12:20:23.59 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d364c pkt 6 bytes, proto c223
12:20:23.59 ChapReceiveSuccess: link:20a8ce Rcvd id 1.ppp_CLEARTIMER auth_tick
12:20:23.59 lowerup: (link 0020A8CE) IPCP
12:20:23.61 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: STARTING -> REQSENT cmd 1392 pcode 1 inlen 0
12:20:23.61 ipcp_addci: ouraddr==
12:20:23.61 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending CONFREQ, len:18
12:20:23.67 link 0020A8CE sending 24 bytes
12:20:23.67 ppp Sending 24 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:23.69 ppp_SETTIMER fsm_tmo for 4 secs
12:20:24.24 No DNS entries.
12:20:24.24 bigfreeq: head:003D5B9C, tail:003D61DC, len:15, min:11, max:15
12:20:24.24 lilfreeq: head:003D33AC, tail:003D364C, len:30, min:25, max:30
12:20:24.27 rcvdq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:0
12:20:24.27 ppp_rcvdq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:3
12:20:24.30 mfreeq: head:003D17F4, tail:003D184C, len:93, min:90, max:93
12:20:24.30 mbufq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:3
12:20:24.30 soq: head:003E2570, tail:003E23C0, len:4, min:0, max:5
12:20:24.33 inpfreeq: head:003E38B0, tail:003E38E4, len:96, min:95, max:100
12:20:24.39 Open Sockets info:
12:20:24.71 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d33ac pkt 12 bytes, proto 8021
12:20:24.72 ppp_inpkt (link 0020A8CE); prot: IPCP, code CONFREQ, state REQSENT, len 6
12:20:24.72 ipcp: received ADDR IP:
12:20:24.72 (ACK)
12:20:24.74 ipcp: returning Configure-ACKcalling ppp_fsm: event 6
12:20:24.74 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: REQSENT -> ACKSENT cmd 128 pcode 1 inlen 6
12:20:24.74 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending CONFACK, len:6
12:20:24.79 link 0020A8CE sending 12 bytes
12:20:24.79 ppp Sending 12 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:28.07 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:20:28.07 ppp timeout (link 0020A8CE), trys left: 6
12:20:28.07 ppp_SETTIMER fsm_tmo for 4 secs
12:20:28.07 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: ACKSENT -> ACKSENT cmd 112 pcode 1 inlen 0
12:20:28.09 ipcp_addci: ouraddr==
12:20:28.09 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending CONFREQ, len:18
12:20:28.13 link 0020A8CE sending 24 bytes
12:20:28.13 ppp Sending 24 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:28.25 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d2fbc pkt 24 bytes, proto 8021
12:20:28.26 ppp_inpkt (link 0020A8CE); prot: IPCP, code CONFNAK, state ACKSENT, len 18
12:20:28.26 local IP address
12:20:28.26 ipcp rcv NAK: DNS (0x81) address
12:20:28.28 ipcp rcv NAK: DNS (0x83) address
12:20:28.28 calling ppp_fsm: event 9
12:20:28.28 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: ACKSENT -> ACKSENT cmd 1392 pcode 1 inlen 18
12:20:28.30 ppp_SETTIMER fsm_tmo for 4 secs
12:20:28.30 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending CONFREQ, len:18
12:20:28.35 link 0020A8CE sending 24 bytes
12:20:28.35 ppp Sending 24 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:28.48 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d2e6c pkt 24 bytes, proto 8021
12:20:28.50 ppp_inpkt (link 0020A8CE); prot: IPCP, code CONFACK, state ACKSENT, len 18
12:20:28.50 calling ppp_fsm: event 8
12:20:28.50 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: ACKSENT -> OPENED cmd 1296 pcode 1 inlen 18
12:20:28.52 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:20:28.52 ipcp: upIPCP: local IP address
12:20:28.52 IPCP: remote IP address
12:20:28.55 start the connection request
12:20:28.57 link 0020A8CE sending 46 bytes
12:20:28.57 ppp Sending 45 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:28.59 end the connection request 0
12:20:34.37 link 0020A8CE sending 46 bytes
12:20:34.37 ppp Sending 45 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:46.37 link 0020A8CE sending 46 bytes
12:20:46.37 ppp Sending 45 bytes, service 3ec438
12:20:56.84 No DNS entries.
12:20:56.84 bigfreeq: head:003D555C, tail:003DA04C, len:14, min:11, max:15
12:20:56.84 lilfreeq: head:003D27DC, tail:003D292C, len:30, min:25, max:30
12:20:56.86 rcvdq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:0
12:20:56.86 ppp_rcvdq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:3
12:20:56.89 mfreeq: head:003D16C0, tail:003D1718, len:93, min:90, max:93
12:20:56.89 mbufq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:3
12:20:56.89 soq: head:003E2570, tail:003E2180, len:5, min:0, max:5
12:20:56.91 inpfreeq: head:003E387C, tail:003E38E4, len:95, min:95, max:100
12:20:56.91 soqfreeq: head:003E20F0, tail:003E2210, len:95, min:95, max:100
12:20:56.93 tphfreeq: head:003DF63C, tail:003DF69C, len:99, min:99, max:100
12:20:56.93 tcbfreeq: head:003DDEF0, tail:003DE028, len:95, min:95, max:100
12:20:56.94 eth ip=; ppp ip=
12:20:56.95 Open Sockets info:
12:20:56.95 TCP ftpc cmd trying to connect
12:21:08.61 ftp client timed out logging in, state 1
12:21:08.72 ftp client not logged in
12:21:08.72 ftp client quit failed
12:21:08.73 ftp client FAILED
12:21:08.73 pppDisconnect: we are forcing a timeout.
12:21:08.73 Pinging peer2 IP
12:21:08.74 link 0020A8CE sending 35 bytes
12:21:08.74 ppp Sending 34 bytes, service 3ec438
12:21:08.75 close (link 0020A8CE): IPCP
12:21:08.75 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: OPENED -> CLOSING cmd 41552 pcode 1 inlen 0
12:21:08.75 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:21:08.75 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending TERMREQ, len:0
12:21:08.76 link 0020A8CE sending 6 bytes
12:21:08.76 ppp Sending 6 bytes, service 3ebc1c
12:21:08.77 ipcp: downppp_SETTIMER fsm_tmo for 4 secs
12:21:08.82 ppp link 0020A8CE rcvd 3d253c pkt 6 bytes, proto 8021
12:21:08.82 ppp_inpkt (link 0020A8CE); prot: IPCP, code TERMACK, state CLOSING, len 0
12:21:08.82 calling ppp_fsm: event 11
12:21:08.83 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: CLOSING -> CLOSED cmd 64 pcode 1 inlen 0
12:21:08.83 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:21:08.84 close (link 0020A8CE): LCP
12:21:08.84 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): LCP state: OPENED -> CLOSING cmd 41552 pcode 0 inlen 0
12:21:08.84 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:21:08.85 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE) sending TERMREQ, len:0
12:21:08.85 link 0020A8CE sending 6 bytes
12:21:08.86 ppp Sending 8 bytes, service 3ec438
12:21:08.86 LCP down.close (link 0020A8CE): IPCP
12:21:08.87 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: CLOSED -> CLOSED cmd 0 pcode 1 inlen 0
12:21:08.87 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:21:08.88 lowerdown (link 0020A8CE): IPCP
12:21:08.88 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): IPCP state: CLOSED -> INITIAL cmd 0 pcode 1 inlen 0
12:21:08.88 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:21:08.89 ln_udisconnect
12:21:08.89 Closing PPP connection.
12:21:08.89 close (link 0020A8CE): LCP
12:21:08.89 ppp_fsm (link 0020A8CE): LCP state: CLOSING -> CLOSING cmd 0 pcode 0 inlen 0
12:21:08.90 ppp_CLEARTIMER fsm_tmo
12:21:09.63 user closed ppp

In the last trace I've found references to an IP address "", which I did not explicitly specified; instead, I wasn't able to find any reference to "my own" destination address, the one I've specified in FTPClient call ( - am pretty sure I searched it throughly, using the FIND operator of my editor and after that by checking all lines.

I tried changing last parameter in FTPClient from 0 (normal mode) to 2, but I got exactly the same problem (and identical logs, which ? don't submit).

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance, and best regards.


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