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Send data from CR1000 via Enfora modem

BlazePetrov Mar 15, 2011 10:34 AM

I have a problem sending data via internet using Enfora modem.
The modem is connecting to internet but a cant find a way to send data from CR1000.

i try to use the internet connection from the modem directly from PC and it is working well. But when a try to send data from CR1000 it is not working.

can u help me somehow ?

jtrauntvein Mar 16, 2011 02:45 AM

I am not an expert on the modem that you mentioned although I just glanced at the spec sheet for the Enfora Spider SA modem. This modem appears to be able to be configured in at least two different ways:

- TCP/PAD: In this mode, I assume that the modem is configured as a serial server. This would mean that the modem's TCP stack is hosting the connection and passing any data received from the TCP connection to the serial port and vice versa.

- PPP: In this mode, the modem is either acting as a "pass-through" device for IP communications or as a router. In this case, the TCP socket end-point will be the datalogger.

If you expect to be able to use the TCP stack in the datalogger to perform activities such as FTP or SMTP (email), you will need to configured both the Enfora modem and the datalogger to use PPP.

Freluque Mar 18, 2011 01:50 PM

Do not forget chr(13) and chr(10) at the end of your command...

SerialOut (ComRS232,ATcommand,"",0,1000)
SerialIn (InString, ComRS232,1000,"CONNECT",100)

it works very well with my enfora modem (and i can send mail too with SMTP mail server)

If you want some help do not hesitate!


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