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CR10X help

MEngStudent Mar 1, 2011 07:03 PM

I was wondering if the CR10X is capable of recieving messages that contain commands. I currently involved in a project where we would like to start a diesel generator with text commands from a mobile phone.

Im not sure if the CR10X can do this.


wpns Mar 1, 2011 07:21 PM

Well, it talks RS-232, but I dunno if that helps you.


talks about RS-232 modems and phones, so the rest if just a SMOP...

MEngStudent Mar 1, 2011 10:49 PM

Im using a wavecom to send data but just wanted to know if the datalogger can recieve commands.

Bobfbks Apr 1, 2011 02:35 AM

You might read up on the P15 instruction:

11: Port Serial I/O (P15)

I'm a bit hazy since it's been a while since I did anything like this but I think you maybe need three or four wires:
Potential Wiring
C1 -- Optionally empty (TX from CR10X if needed)
C2 -- RX from Device
C6 -- To Device Control (Set port to +5volts to trigger serial)
G -- G from Device

Then do something like this (you'll definitely need to play around and there is probably one or two other ways of accomplishing what you want):

* Table 3 Subroutines

1: Beginning of Subroutine (P85)
1: 96 Subroutine 96

2: Port Serial I/O (P15)
1: 1 Reps
2: 61 8-Bit, RS-232 ASCII (decimal delimiter), 1200 Baud
3: 0 TX after CTS
4: 1 C1 RTS/DTR
5: 0000 Start Loc for TX [ _________ ]
6: 1 Number of Locs to TX
7: 0000 Termination Character for RX
8: 0000 Max Characters to RX
9: 100 Time Out for CTS (TX) and/or RX (0.01 sec units)
10: 52 Start Loc for RX [ rxloc ]
11: 1.0 Multiplier for RX
12: 0.0 Offset for RX

3: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 52 X Loc [ rxloc ]
2: 1 =
3: 12 F
4: 11 Set Flag 1 High

4: End (P95)

So the gist here is that when you want to communicate with the CR10X you first have your device that needs to send a message put 5 volts to control port 6 on the logger. That triggers the special subroutine 96. In Subroutine 96 the P15 instruction sets up serial communication on C1 & C2 (in this incomplete example). Then, for your 'message' relate the values that are TXed to some combination of the flags as you see I've done with the P89 instruction.

There's quite a bit in the CR10X manual about serial communication and I'd encourage you to also look that content over. The asterisk to all of this and another reason to read up on all this in the manual is that I can't remember off the top of my head the voltages you can apply to the control ports for the RS232 but there are limits. Best of luck!

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