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something about AM16/32

zkh Mar 3, 2009 09:20 AM

We used CR1000 datalogger with AM16/32,but there is some problems about the sensors which connected on the AM16/32.They were three HMP45C,two HFP01.The problem are as follow:
The Max and Min of Temprature and Relative humidity of HMP45C which was saved in the datatable are not right.
The datatable datainterval is 1440 minutes. The MAX of Temprature is 60,the Min one is -40,but they are absolute wrong data .So I think once or more times scans the CR1000 didn't get data from the HMP45C .But the data of HFP01 is also not right .because sometime in the 30 minute datatable the Average data of the HFP01 is NAN .If there are some times CR1000 get data from sensor fail ,but the Average data of the HFP01 is should not NAN,Maybe it become small,but why it is NAN?
The scan interval in program in CR1000 is 10 second.I have a shot at increasing it,but no effect at all.I want to know how these problems happened? Thanks !

Bobfbks Mar 3, 2009 11:30 PM

Kind of general answer but sounds like:
1) a problem with the current logger wiring
2) a problem with the current logger programming
3) both.

If you're saying that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (when you're looking at the data in the tables that have been logged) then perhaps look at your program to see if the AM16/32 is being turned off. If the AM16/32 isn't being turned off then it just cycles through the groups over and over rather than resetting to the first group as the measurement sequence begins. Also check that the AM16/32 is operating in the right mode (16 groups or 32 groups depending on how you're using it).

Another check you can do is add something like this after each measurement in your program (temporarily for testing purposes):
Delay (0,5,Sec)

Checking with your voltmeter where each sensor wires into the multiplexer you should see the sensor turned on and outputting a signal. If the delay is long enough you can move your volt meter from group to group as the multiplexer cycles.

Measuring the ports on the data logger that the multiplexer is wired to you should read with your voltmeter the same voltages.

zkh Mar 4, 2009 02:00 PM

Thank you very much to tell me the methods.but I also have some questions.
I also used the programing as follow :

PortSet (7,1 )
PulsePort (8,10000)
Delay (0,5,Sec)
'measure the HFP01
VoltDiff (AM1632(7),1,mV25C,1,True ,0,_50Hz,1.0,0)


PulsePort (8,10000)

VoltDiff (AM1632(8),1,mV25C,1,True ,0,_50Hz,1.0,0)

PortSet (7,0 )

there AM1632(7)is soil_heat_1 of HFP01_1,
And AM163(8)is soil_heat_2 of HFP01_2.but theAverage of soil_heat_1 and soil_heat_2 sometime are NAN In 30 minutes datatable.the Average value is NAN that if we can think in the 30 minutes,the CR1000 didn't logger data ,or the HFP01 didn't work.
I am so sorry that my colleague also come un against.
The same of Our system is that only the voltage output sensor appear the NAN .Especially grievous thing is that I used other CR1000 and AM16/32 ,and used the same programing ,but the data is very good.So if the hardware of the AM16/32 have some problems. Thanks!

aps Mar 4, 2009 11:18 PM

Can you tell us the exact version of the AM16/32 you have, i.e. AM16/32, AM16/32A or AM16/32B and also the serial number.

For some models the delays required are different.

Addition: the main difference is some required a delay after being enabled. If you include

Delay (0,150,mSec)

After you first set the enable port high (PortSet (7,1 ) in your program, it should guarantee reliable operation with any model.

Also with the latest operating systems in the CR1000 you will find a new instruction that allows you to jump to specific channels which may be a better approach in an application like your where you are not just looping through a series of sensors which are all the same.

* Last updated by: aps on 3/5/2009 @ 6:59 AM *

zkh Mar 9, 2009 02:46 AM

The version of the AM16/32 is AM16/32A-XT,and the serial number is 2158.
Can you tell me Which instruction in the latest operating systems in the CR1000 is the one you have mentioned? Thank you very much!

aps Mar 9, 2009 09:04 AM

That multiplexer was originally fitted with firmware that required the use of the extra delay:

Delay (0,150,mSec)

after being enabled to ensure reliable operation.

Please contact the office that you bought this through to discuss the option of an upgrade to the firmware. If you upgrade the firmware it will not require this delay and it will also be compatible with the new instruction: MuxSelect

That instruction was introduced in the last release of the CR1000 firmware.

* Last updated by: aps on 3/9/2009 @ 3:06 AM *

zkh Mar 9, 2009 02:01 PM

OK, Thank you very much .I try it soon ! The forum is very good! I like it!

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