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Change logfile name during RTMC runtime

MortenS Feb 24, 2011 06:58 PM

Hi there

I got a setup using a CR1000 and LoggerNet 4.
It is connected using the RS232 port.

I RTCM I have created a live monitor so the user can start and stop the logging.

The user want to be able to change the log filename during runtime of the RTMC.

My idea is to create a par file on the CR1000 and then transfer this file to the PC.
Then I can use SPLITR so the user can get the reports he wants.

My problem is to get the file created on the CR1000 transfered to the PC.
I can do it if I connect to the CR1000 and using the File Control function.
But this i manual and I need it done automaticly ?

Is it the wrong way to do it or is easyer to do in the RTMC Pro version ?

Kind regards

Morten Skov

tmecham Feb 25, 2011 07:28 PM

I am not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do, but I would definitely give RTMC Pro a try. It has a lot of advanced features including data file sources. You can download a free 30 day trial from our web site to see if it will satisfy your needs.


Good Luck!

MortenS Mar 8, 2011 10:29 AM


I know got the PRo version

Dana Mar 8, 2011 08:57 PM

Hello Morten,

LoggerNet 4 has a tab in the Setup window to retrieve a file from the datalogger on a schedule. In Loggernet 4.0 this is called the "Image Retrieval" tab, or LoggerNet 4.1 it is called the "File Retrieval" tab (we changed the name to more accurately reflect the functionality).

You could use this to retrieve the file you created.

I'm not certain I understand what you want to do, but if you want to change the name of a data file, it might be easier to accomplish this some other way.

Dana W.

MortenS Mar 9, 2011 08:40 AM

Hi Dana

I think I got the solution. I'll get back if I'm wrong.
It is difficult to describe what I have in mind. But later I might simplify my question :-)


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