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LoggerNet SDK server

dujt Feb 23, 2011 09:30 AM

We are developing an application (VB) that would connect and download the current data from an installed and running CR1000 via NL115. We have purchased the LoggerNet Server SDK.
I want to know how to run a corascript command to setup a TCP/IP device?
I tried the:add-device pakbus-tcp-server Newtest before "",but the result is :-add-device,unsupported device type.

who can tell me how to do that?,my IP is

jtrauntvein Feb 23, 2011 02:48 PM

What version of the server SDK are you using? The syntax that you gave above appears to be correct but will not work on a version of the server or of the corascript control that does not recognise the device type. In order for this to work, the server version should be or newer.

dujt Feb 24, 2011 01:29 AM

Yeah,My server version is

dujt Mar 2, 2011 05:51 AM

I reinstalled the ServerSDK again,and now it runs ok.
I have successfully setup a new connection,with IPPort,but how to set the IP address?
There is only one part in the help document related to this,as follows:

format := "{" { address-pair } "}".
address-pair := "{" pakbus-address internet-address "}".
pakbus-address := uint2. ; 0 < pakbus-address < 4095
internet-address := (dns-address | ip-address) [ ":" tcp-port ].

How to use it ?who can give me an example.

like:set-device-setting TestIPPort 115 {1}


* Last updated by: dujt on 3/1/2011 @ 11:52 PM *

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