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Kipp & zonen UVS-E-T + CR1000

Geert Feb 22, 2011 07:46 AM


Is it possible to connect the UVS-E-T to the CR1000 logger?
Ouput voltage 0-3 Volt (0 - 0.6 W/m²)




* Last updated by: Geert on 2/22/2011 @ 1:13 AM *

IslandMan Feb 22, 2011 09:06 PM

From the CR1000 Brochure:
8 differential (DF) or 16 single-ended (SE) individually
RANGES and RESOLUTION: Basic resolution
(Basic Res) is the A/D resolution of a single
conversion. Resolution of DF measurements
with input reversal is half the Basic Res.
Input Referred Noise Voltage
Input DF Basic
Range (mV)1 Res (μV)2 Res (μV)
±5000 667 1333
±2500 333 667
±250 33.3 66.7
±25 3.33 6.7
±7.5 1.0 2.0
±2.5 0.33 0.67

The answer is yes, the CR1000 can accept +/- 5 Volts DC

* Last updated by: IslandMan on 2/22/2011 @ 2:17 PM *

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