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CallTable to Specific Record Number

bKlippert Feb 11, 2011 08:38 PM


I have an 'If' statement calling my data table conditionally. My table has a defined table size and no 'DataInterval'.

I would like for each condition to store the data to a specific record number.

I looked at 'DataEvent' but it doesn't look like it will work.

Is there an instruction built to do this?

Sam Feb 12, 2011 08:23 PM


You do not have control over the record number assigned in final storage. For example, you can not conditionally store event 1 data as "record 1", event 2 as "record 2" and repeat. Maybe the data should be kept in an array in the Public table or written to a file using the FileOpen/Read/Write commands?

IslandMan Feb 13, 2011 11:35 AM

Implement your own table number counter and sample it as the 1st item in your data table. Increment the number after the table is written like this:
If table.output(1,1) = True then MyRecord = MyRecord + 1.
(Substitute your table name for the word table.)
When you do your reports, skip the logger supplied table number and use yours.

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