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RTMC Web Server problem

PaulHeinrich Feb 8, 2011 09:22 PM

I have RTMC Web Server running on a windows 2003 server. It works great as long as I remain logged into the server. If I log out the RTMC web server shuts down. Is there a way to get RTMC Web server to run as a service under another id?

cheers, Paul

ChipsNSalsa Feb 11, 2011 07:19 PM

No there isn't, but you could run it as a Windows Scheduled Task configured to "run at startup". It would then be running before and after a user logs in. However, configured this way there will be no icon in the system tray indicating it is running when a user does log in. Utilize the RTMC WS command line options in the scheduled task command line. I'm guessing you either have LoggeNet running as a service or it's running on another machine somewhere.

PaulHeinrich Feb 14, 2011 07:18 PM

Hi Greg,

Yes, I have Loggernet running as a service on the same machine along with LNDB feeding the data into a MySQL database. So far, everything is working fine. I have two remote stations with CR1000s and Raven XT modems. Loggernet Admin is connecting to them once every 30 minutes and displaying the data on a website and storing it in a database. I will try the Windows Scheduled task method you outlined above.

cheers, Paul

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