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CR10x & AM416 scan problem

luisnola Jan 26, 2011 08:13 PM

I have 2 equal system composed of (CR10X + AM416) with the same problem: sometimes, at power-up, the systems do not start the scanning process, the signals to scan the AM416 Relay Multiplexer (RES & CLK) do not come out from the CR10X.

If I try to power-off and then power-on again, sometimes, the system starts to scan. Once the system starts to scan, it has not more problems. I think the problem is like as a clock that has troubles to start oscillation, once it starts it continues ... but not allways starts.

The internal battery is a new one. I am an electronic Engg.

Please help me.

aps Jan 26, 2011 11:12 PM

Please post the serial numbers of the CR10X's you are having problems with.

Also what is the main supply voltage fed to the logger, rather than the internal backup battery?

luisnola Jan 28, 2011 12:11 AM

Dear Andrew

I have the number of one of them: XE1188, I an shure the other is very simmilar.

Te system is powered by a battery (new one) of 12V/7AH and a charger 13.8/14.5V

The Xtal. X2L or X2I (it is difficult to read) is oscillating W/O powering the datalogger.

aps Jan 28, 2011 12:13 PM

That logger was subject to a recall in the year 2000 but was never returned for an upgrade.

Please contact me by email to discuss the problem further. My address -

andrew dot sandford at campbellsci dot co dot uk

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