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Present Weather Viewer

dujt Jan 19, 2011 05:36 AM

Hi there,
If any boy has ever used the software of "Present Weather Viewer"?I want to know if it has the function of Saving data,I found it can easily view the data and show the chart,but I can't save the data.

Any suggestion is helpful,


thinkitcodeit Jan 19, 2011 08:57 AM

The Present Weather Viewer does not have a save function for the data. It is designed purely as a tool to visualise the data coming from the fields included in the default message of the PWS100. It also does not retain data between sessions. To read, store and collect data you would typically connect the PWS100 to one of our dataloggers or query the sensor directly. Contact your local Campbell Scientific office and they will be able to advise you on all available options.

dujt Jan 19, 2011 09:38 AM

Hi thinkkitcodeit,
Thanks for your reply,but What I want to do is to save the element data of pws100 as follows:

1.Size / velocity map type 1 (20 × 20)
2.Size / velocity map type 2 (32 × 32)
3.Campbell Scientific standard size / velocity map (34 × 34)

And these are all difficult for CR1000 dataloger to store,since the data will take too large space,so I want to save the data seperately with the software of "Present Weather Viewer",and the pws100 directly connected to the PC.
Is there any better solutions?


thinkitcodeit Jan 21, 2011 11:56 AM

Hi dujt

The Present Weather Viewer hasn't got storage capabilities, also it is worth noting that it can only display the fields that form the default message. the size / velocity maps you refer to as 1. and 2. above can't be displayed by the viewer. The options open to you are as follows...

1. Use a datalogger such as the CR1000 to collect, process and store the required data, we successfully read the data into our dataloggers from the PWS100, if storage is an issue then augment the available storage by adding an NL115 or CFM100 to your CR1000 datalogger along with an industrial grade CF card.

2. You can connect to the PWS100 using a terminal emulator such as HyperTerminal and collect the data as it is streamed out from the device. Note that opting for this option you would need to write some proprietary code for processing the data you receive.

I Hope that helps.

dujt Jan 24, 2011 02:55 AM

Hi thinkkitcodeit,
Thanks,the two solutions is good,but I still want to know if we can modify the software,it will be perfect if it has the function of stroing data,since the interface is so good,how do you think?


thinkitcodeit Jan 26, 2011 11:16 AM

Hi dujt

Currently there are no plans to add the ability to save data to the Present Weather Viewer.

* Last updated by: thinkitcodeit on 1/26/2011 @ 4:19 AM *

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