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Split's Time Offset Function!!

dujt Jan 10, 2011 05:06 AM

Hi there,
I want to know if any body has ever used the "Time Offset"function of the Split,in the "Offset/Option" button,I do it step by step as follows:

1.In the InputFiles interface,I pressed the Offset button,and in the new interface,I input 36000 in the Timeoffset(seconds)area.

2.I input 1 in the select area.

3.I changed the width of the 1 line to 30,in the OutputFile interface.

4. Run

Resut:no error,and no changes to the timestamp.

any suggestion is helpfull.


Dana Jan 10, 2011 07:37 PM

Hello JT,

As I mentioned in your direct email to me, please read the help file for the Time Offset field in Split. As explained in the help, the date function must also be used if you are using a time offset.

Dana W.

dujt Jan 11, 2011 01:58 AM

Hi Dana,
Thanks a lot,I have done it!!


* Last updated by: dujt on 1/10/2011 @ 6:59 PM *

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