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Automated clock check

Mavada Jan 4, 2011 05:49 PM

The automated clock check doesnt work (in the setup screen), after some time the adjusted server date/time doesnt match with the station date/time and it stops working, the graphs wont update...
Pause clock update is not active.

What to do?

I use Loggernet 4.1 and a CR1000

* Last updated by: Mavada on 1/4/2011 @ 10:50 AM *

jra Jan 5, 2011 10:41 PM


Which graphs are you referring to?

Is scheduled data collection enabled and running correctly? LoggerNet does not do a clock check unless there is another reason to contact the datalogger such as for scheduled collection. From the LoggerNet toolbar go to the Main | Status Monitor to see if LoggerNet is in a re-try condition or scheduled collection is paused. Take a look at the column labeled "Coll State" (collection state).


Mavada Jan 6, 2011 09:21 AM

i got the error: Failure: 6-1-2011 10:04:36.279
PakBus framing error","Invalid low level signature

jra Jan 6, 2011 02:08 PM


It sounds like your system has communication problems. Go through the normal communications troubleshooting such as checking hardware and power. Have there been any software changes between when it was working and now? If so, also look at software settings. If you don't resolve the problem I recommend contacting your local Campbell Scientific office for technical support.


Mavada Jan 6, 2011 02:30 PM

ive also tried different baud rates, normally i used 9600 and that worked fine, but ive read that when connected directly to my laptop by usb, i can use 11500, which will download the data much quicker, but only the first quart of the data. After that it slows down dramatically.
im trying now to close my virusscanner (kaspersky), maybe that will help...

Mavada Jan 6, 2011 03:17 PM

ive uninstalled kaspersky antivirus, now it keeps working... now also checking the differences in time which appear after some time...

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