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CR1000 Logernet issues

arahming Jan 4, 2011 01:08 AM

We have around 2 CR23x 50 CR1000's and 10 CR3000's scattered troughout the US. we connect to all of them via loggernet to pull data polling every 1 min. around 3 to 11 loggers are down at all time and we have discovered half of those is due to network issues. the other times we have problems is becuase the logger seems to have problems with the port 6785 we also have modbus running and it seems to have no problems. a few questions

does anyone have similar problems
does anyone use modbus to pull 5 and 10 minute tables
would you recommend modbus or the loggernet to pull data

Sam Jan 11, 2011 07:25 AM


Using LoggerNet is definitely the way to go. Based on what you've outlined here, I can not be for sure, but the symptoms you describe are very common when multiple LoggerNet servers are trying to access the same device as the same time.

Though you could code the logger to serve up historical data via ModBus, I don't recommend it as the solution to the problem.

Call in to tech support and let us help you figure out your LoggerNet connection problems.

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