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ChGamboa Dec 27, 2010 09:55 PM

Hola a Todos:
Tenemos un CR1000 nuevo. lo utilizare como datalogger para algunos tiltmeter...
mi pregunta es:
como puedo cargarle el sistema operativo del Tilt al CR1000?
de antemno muchas gracias.
Christian Gamboa

* Last updated by: ChGamboa on 12/27/2010 @ 2:56 PM *

lespedeza Dec 28, 2010 06:24 PM


Voy a traducir tu mensaje para los demás. Y creo que van a necesitar mas información acerca de tu pregunta. Que tipo de ´tiltmeter´...y según entiendo yo, el CR1000 no puede recibir ningún sistema operativo que no sea de Campbell. Tal vez esté equivocado pero creo que tendrás que usar algún protocolo de comunicación para que el ´tiltmeter´ pueda comunicarse con el CR1000.



To those who don´t know Spanish, Christian asks,

"We have a new CR1000. I´ll use it as a datalogger for some tiltmeters. My question is, How can I load the Tilt operating system onto the CR1000. Thanks."

I responded saying that more info was needed regarding the tiltmeter and that you probably just need to know what communication protocol the tiltmeter uses.

ChGamboa Dec 29, 2010 03:29 PM

Dear Jimmy:
First, forget me for my pour English… but I try write in this language...
Thank a Lot for help me.
The Tiltmeter coming whit program (file *.CR1), and the CR1000 with “LoggerNet” program. The file was loaded in the CR1000 without problems. The loggerNet is a program very friendly. The Tiltmeter work very well.
Do you know where I can find more information about how working the CR1000? (Papers, publications or other information…)
Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards,
Christian Gamboa

lespedeza Dec 29, 2010 06:12 PM


I would recommend looking through the manual for the CR1000. It can be found here


And the manual for LoggerNet found here


If you have other specific questions that aren't answered in the manuals, post a followup and I'm sure someone will be around to help. If you need help with translating your questions, let me know.



jra Jan 3, 2011 06:57 PM

Also take a look at our tutorials: http://www.campbellsci.com/19_1_773 especially the ones about CRBasic.


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