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how to Telnet to data logger with COM220

ChrisL Dec 17, 2010 04:18 PM

I'm looking to find out how to connect to a COM220 modem remotely, to manually download the data using Telnet or equivalent. Not sure what model the data logger is.

1) What information do I need to dial the modem. (username, password and tel number?)
2) What information do I need to begin the Telnet session (i.e. what is the server address?)

Apologies if this does not make sense...

I am about to be provided details to access a logger, so want to get a step ahead of the game.

ChrisL Dec 17, 2010 04:47 PM

Ok to update this, I have been given a phone number to dial in, but nothing else. It's a mobile number.

Is this all I need?

ChrisL Dec 17, 2010 07:15 PM

When I try to connect the phone is switched off. Any ideas?

Dana Dec 20, 2010 03:17 PM

Typically you need software, either LoggerNet or PC400, to connect to a datalogger and download data. Other options are to purchase our SDK or write your own code using information provided in the manuals (not an easy task). If you decide to go with either of the latter two options, you'll have to pay for support time if you need help from CSI.

At any rate, your first step will be to determine what kind of datalogger is at the site.

Dana W

IslandMan Dec 21, 2010 02:34 AM

I'm still confused. What's connected to the logger, a mobile phone or a COM220?

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