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RTMC delay/slow running.

wishtorace Dec 13, 2010 10:30 PM

Running RTMC Runtime is bringing several issues for us recently. The process itself, without Pro running at the same time, is taking up a massive amount of computer usage, often maxing out at 100% for long periods of time. This is leading to the software running extremely slow and the computer itself just dragging like no other. It is also affecting the calcuations within the program, making them take what 10's of seconds at times and defaulting to the last reboot values during the calculation time.

Does anyone know of any way to make this program run faster and not take up as much space on the computer? We have 3.25GB of ram and that shouldn't be the issue here. The computer also has not even 15% of its 300GB of memory used, so that is out of the question. Any suggestions or ideas of where these issues could be coming from would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


tmecham Dec 14, 2010 03:35 PM

This has been known to occur when you have lots of animation going on along side graphs that are updating fast. One thing you can look at is under the Edit menu -> Preferences. The default FPS is set at 10 per second. Try slowing that down to 2 or 3 FPS. You can also try adjusting the quality scale of the graphics and disabling animation all together. Pipes, motors, and animated GIFs are usually the source of the problem. I usually try to put my real-time components on one screen and historic trends on another.

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