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I've done something astoundingly stupid.

ImALumberjack Dec 1, 2010 03:51 PM

Whilst figuring out the whys and wherefores of serial communications with a CR1000, I loaded and ran the following:

Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
SerialOpen (ComRS232,9600,0,0,50)
SerialOut (ComRS232,"PING","",0,0)

Once running, I reconnected with a terminal emulator and was overjoyed to see the word "PING" pop up every second as expected. My delight turned into dismay when I then realised I couldn't connect with loggernet to stop this program.

How can I end the program and reconnect to load something slightly more useful?

Sam Dec 1, 2010 04:05 PM

No problem, Lumberjack.

You can still connect to the logger using LoggerNet. You will just need to force the connection to use 9600 baud. I loaded the program you posted, verified that the logger was outputting "Ping" every second, and tried to connect. As I expected the connection was unsuccessful because the "Maximum Baud Rate for the PakBus Port was 115200. I changed the "Maximum Baud Rate" to 9600 and I was able to communicate with the logger again.

Other potential ways to solve this problem

a) Use an alternative communication, for example: SC32B attached to the CSI/O, NL120/NL115, etc.

b) Use a CR1000KD to stop the program

c) Send a new OS via DevConfig

ImALumberjack Dec 1, 2010 04:16 PM


It's fixed! I went for option C, and met with success in the time it takes to have a cup of tea. Thanks for your help!

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